
PvP in Black Ops 3: It works and its glorious! (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Friday, December 04, 2015, 18:19 (3071 days ago)

(full disclosure, I was a die hard BLOPS2 guy, and over a decade ago I worked for Treyarch and Activision, so I may be subconsciously biased, but I don't think I am)

I shot a guy, my bullets hit him, he took damage, and he died.

Another guy shot me, I took damage, and I died, but I knew how I died, who shot me, and that it was a fair kill.

And that's the thing. Blops isn't as smooth to control as Destiny. It's not as seamlessly animated. But it's fair. And, if we're being completely honest with ourselves, Destiny's PvP just isn't.

The lag issues in destiny have become part of the game. Utter frustration at emptying a mag into someone, or three golden gun shots, just to see them teleport backwards after taking no damage whatsoever. More frustration when you shotgun a guy in the back, and he has time to turn around the stab out twice before you both die. Or when you swear to god you pulled the trigger but the shot just didn't fire. I saw someone's dead ghost shoot a rocket in trials last week. What I'm saying is this: The PvP in Destiny is completely bullshit as far as PvP fairness goes, and it took me going to Blops to really realize that.

After just a handful of games of Blops, I'm done with destiny's PvP. It's garbage in comparison. It *could* be better - much better - if it had cleaner netcode, but it doesn't, and I'm over wishing in one hand that Bungie gets their act together. I'm done playing on the hope that the game improves later. When it improves, I'll come back. I want it to improve. I'm not putting it in the trash or swearing off of it forever or anything drastic like that.

But I am recognizing that there is a good FPS PvP alternative that has more fair gameplay. When you shoot a guy you hit that guy. There's no phantom bullet. There's no postmortem melee. There's no situation in which lagging out gives you an advantage. All because they built the code to be fair *first* and smooth second, which is how PvP code should be done, in my opinion.

So if you're a FPS PvP guy like me, check out Black Ops 3. It's great.


Also, I'm on the Xbone for Blops 3. Hit me up at The Last Shrike over there.

Cheers gang, I'll see you back when more content comes out, and probably when balance changes are released from time to time.

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