
PvP in BO3, it sort of works sometimes and its ok (Destiny)

by Durandal, Saturday, December 05, 2015, 00:34 (3070 days ago) @ Kahzgul

I've been in some heavy lag matches where my bullets don't work. The weapon balance and map design heavily weights SMGs. Killstreaks just amplify team momentum much of the time to the point where the other team is just blown out. Super balance is very hit or miss.

I think BO encourages even more bouncing around and crazyness then Destiny, but it still retains the annoying no scoping aim sniper rifles and teleporting knives that have plagued the series. There is no skill matching that I can perceive, and my solo matches range from disgustingly good to utter failure.

Generally, the main thing BO has going for it is that you can get all the guns and customizations via play, so you never have to farm bosses or drops and you don't grind materials to update things. That being said I don't think I've bothered to prestige anything since Modern Warfare 1.

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