Auto rifle balance patch only 1/10 effective as expected (Destiny)

by electricpirate @, Wednesday, December 09, 2015, 23:12 (3367 days ago)

So, a bunch of people noticed today that Auto Rifles weren't doing any more damage in PVP. Most people figured this was a bug in the patch and we would see the promised 4-7% increases in damage.


Turns out the initial communication was wrong and the damage increases were ACTUALLY a tenth of that for all classes,

the patch notes have been updated as such.

Low RoF (Suros Regime, An Answering Chord): 0.3% increase from previous base damage
Med RoF (Zhalo Supercell, Paleocontact JPK-43): 0.7% increase from previous base damage
High RoF (Arminius-D, Necrochasm): 0.04% increase from previous base damage

Similarly, the Pulse rifle nerfs were off by a similar amount, but people seem to be noticing numbers above the stated amount. notably the Lyudmila D seems to have eaten a 19% damage reduction.

Supposedly we'll be getting clarifications in the weekly update. If I had to guess it's that the damage we see in integer format isn't the actual damage calculated, which is a floating point (number with a decimal). SO these super tiny numbers manage to cross some threshold and shave maybe 1 shot off the AR's bullets required to kill.

Either way, all around terrible communication. Even if those are working as intended, they built a set of expectations that aren't being hit. When discussing the patch, some acknowledgment that the visible numbers wouldn't match the final values would have helped.

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