
Some gun notes (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, December 10, 2015, 20:28 (3366 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

- That AR "buff" was intentionally small because of the "magnifying" effect of certain +impact mods, which still means they buffed some weapons by nearly zero. That 0.04% damage buff... that's not going to make the weapon relevant in PvP.

- The pulse rifle nerf is minor (despite the 10% damage reduction, the TTK of most pulse rifles remains unchanged).

- Anecdata: The Chaperone seems to have received an overall buff instead of the nerf that was seemingly described, as headshots are now fatal at a greater range. In the one PvP game I played yesterday, I absolutely wrecked with it. Other shotguns are reporting insignificant changes to range.

- Hand cannons: Hawkmoon is being reported as a less reliable 2 shot kill (only with a specific, not as aim assisted barrel selected, apparently), and was effectively nerfed. No other hand cannons seem too different, and TLW remains OP in terms of TTK at close range and neutral game buff from increased mobility. First Curse is still garbage in PvP (3 very slow shots to kill), but is much more effective in PvE. Working as intended?

- Fusion rifles: Does anyone use these? Have info? I got nothin'.

In fact, I don't have any further info on the weapons. I looked at the numbers and also played with a few guns in the most affected categories to see how they felt, and this is what I've got. Chaperone, man... It's soooo goood.

My gut says the current PvP meta is not going to shift even one iota. The net result of all this is that high skill players will dominate more often and lower skill players will feel dominated more often, but weapons of choice will remain pretty much the same. Not my ideal balance scenario, I can tell you that.


Totally aside: I'm having a blast with SRL. It's really, really fun and the looser controls for the bikes means it requires constant attention without being overly complicated.

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