
What happens if we think of TTK as an entirely new game? (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, December 16, 2015, 00:35 (3360 days ago) @ Earendil

For me, it means I got suckered on Y1 and paid $80 for $40 worth of game. But then I got a sweet, sweet Y2 game, and paid $40 for $60 worth of game! All in all I still think I'm a net loser, but the trend is positive as far as I'm concerned. If I could go back and do it all over again, I definitely would not have purchased HoW, and probably not even CE, but I definitely would have bought TTK again. TTK was totally awesome, right up until you encountered Oryx. That fight was dumb. But then you beat him, and how he died was awesome again! And then more endgame quests were awesome! Swords! ToM! So Awesome!

And then the end game leveling curve and hard mode nonsense kicked in. Forever 299 is real. Forever 309 is real. Leveling gear was great until 290, and then the entire paradigm changed to "Poopy Town" by These Mechanics are Crap and the Microtransholes.

And now we're seeing the endgame for what it is: A sham developed to lure out the foolish with microtransactions and no real substance. Or at least we were, until SRL, which is totally awesome again! YES!

So yeah, TTK is great. There's some shitty design in there (very shitty, actually), and it's all nestled right around microtransactions and the level cap, but if you don't care about being 320 light (it really doesn't matter, gang), you can have some serious fun with this game.

I will add that the new matchmaking focus on similar skill players vs. quality connections has made MP basically not fun for me. But that's okay, I had my laughs and now there are real PvP MP games to play.

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