
Nope. (Destiny)
It's not that hard. We simply come up with some common stuff to cabal, set a specific spot for that, randomize it, then use the used input boxes to insert the other crap. In the elite namelizer, it was the last two letters of your name, the first two of your town, then the first three of your Nick, reversed.
Or, even easier, we don't come up with a list of common things, and just put in *first 4 of Nick*us *name until vowel*'*duplicated vowel**first 3 or 4 of street reversed* to make it more recognizable. Randomize your allegiance and class.
I actually could program this in Visual Basic, which is the only language I learned. What is that for server side scripting? ASP?
Complete thread:
- I Am So Freaking Stupid. -
2016-01-06, 05:39
- This is a great idea. I wish I could program.
- Funkmon, 2016-01-06, 05:49
- I Am So Freaking Stupid. -
2016-01-06, 13:30
- Just throwing this out there -
2016-01-06, 14:30
- Just throwing this out there -
2016-01-06, 14:39
- haha
- slycrel, 2016-01-06, 15:03
- haha
- Just throwing this out there -
2016-01-06, 14:39
- It can be done, but would be more complex than you think. -
2016-01-06, 15:30
- It can be done, but would be more complex than you think. -
2016-01-06, 15:36
- The difficulty will be in constructing the data to drive it.
- dogcow, 2016-01-06, 16:17
- The difficulty will be in constructing the data to drive it. -
2016-01-06, 16:21
- The difficulty will be in constructing the data to drive it. -
2016-01-06, 17:32
- The difficulty will be in constructing the data to drive it. -
2016-01-06, 18:11
- Same here.
- BeardFade, 2016-01-06, 20:41
- Same here.
- Nope. - Funkmon, 2016-01-06, 18:24
- The difficulty will be in constructing the data to drive it. -
2016-01-06, 18:11
- The difficulty will be in constructing the data to drive it. -
2016-01-06, 17:32
- The difficulty will be in constructing the data to drive it. -
2016-01-06, 16:21
- The difficulty will be in constructing the data to drive it.
- A very funkmonian reply
- marmot 1333, 2016-01-06, 15:46
- I expected a top joke. :(
- Funkmon, 2016-01-06, 18:11
- Instead you get a glottal stop
- marmot 1333, 2016-01-06, 18:12
- Instead you get a glottal stop
- I expected a top joke. :(
- I smiled when I saw this.
- Robot Chickens, 2016-01-06, 15:58
- It can be done, but would be more complex than you think. -
2016-01-06, 15:36
- Just throwing this out there -
2016-01-06, 14:30
- This is a great idea. I wish I could program.