
Nothing at the moment. (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, January 06, 2016, 23:29 (3338 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

Part of the issue for me is that until last week when I finally dove back into the Witcher 3, I hadn't touched my Xbox for more than a few hours in the previous month. I switched over to working through some stuff on Steam, and just didn't make time for the Xbox.

Now I'm fully back into Witcher mode, working through it's DLC. Not sure what I'll move to then, but it probably won't be Destiny. As much as I love it, I played basically nothing else through most of 2014 and 2015, so until I exhaust my backlog or more content drops, I definitely won't be back in Destiny with any regularity.

I get why a lot of folks are really attracted to Destiny and want to play it all the time, but after I did that in 2015, I'm definitely planning on approaching it much differently. I'll play when new content drops until I get bored, then jump on whenever I want to for fun. I'm definitely done investing in the loop that Bungie seemingly has planned to keep me playing forever and grinding out gear (not trying to take a dig at Bungie here, at all). The way most people seem to play Destiny is no longer the way I plan to play Destiny. Me not having played it in nearly two months is a big part of that right now. I did all the content I wanted to do (other than still wanting to give Trials of Osiris a shot at some point). I don't have Touch of Malice (and likely never will), nor even an exotic sword, and I'm okay with that, whereas a year ago I definitely would not have been.

That being said, I still love playing Destiny, so if any of you Xbox folks are ever looking for someone to fill out a Fireteam, don't be afraid to send me an invite even if I'm playing a different game. Playing Destiny with you folks is still some of the most fun I've ever had playing videogames.

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