

by Schooly D, TSD Gaming Condo, TX, Saturday, February 16, 2013, 13:18 (4080 days ago)

I think we need to do something about the *NM* situation. Others may not agree, but I'll make my case anyway:

Currently when someone makes an *NM* post, replies by default retain the *NM* in their subject. This is very confusing, and makes it harder to parse which posts warrant a click and which ones don't (on HBO, replies to *NM* messages drop the *NM* from the subject).

If we deem this as something requiring fixing, could it be done by altering the forum software? If that's not possible, could we establish some kind of forum etiquette to ameliorate this condition, e.g. encouraging people to manually remove *NM* from the subjects of their replies if their post contains text? That seems like it'd be a less cumbersome rule than encouraging people to drop *NM* posts altogether and to put their message inside the body.

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