Don't forget, Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 Beta! (Off-Topic)
Available for both platforms.
If you're looking for a way-better-than-it-has-any-right-to-be co-op game, the first Garden Warfare was a fun time...
Is this new one fun?
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Just seen gameplay on YT
Yeah man. This looks fun as fuck.
Is this new one fun?
Haven't played this one yet, but the first one was fun as heck. It just got completely overshadowed by Titanfall for me.
Damn, I need to play more Titanfall :D
Played some of it last night...
Definitely more complex (and hectic) than the first one, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Double the number of classes, so it feels a bit less focused while players all adapt to the strengths and weaknesses of the classes.
It takes a huge number of cues from Destiny, with multiple types of Bounties, a Tower-like hub for each of the two factions, and a no-man's land "patrol" area where you might be able to grind out bounties (though I could be wrong).
The UI is a tad confusing (only a tiny cue in the character selection kiosk tells you how to switch teams, for example), especially since a lot of stuff leads to dead ends (buy the full game!), but once you get into the action, it's fun.
My favorite new class is the Citron, which is a cross between the Droideka from Battlefront, and Sanic the Hedgehog.
Might need some balancing (the Titanfall-esque mech that the imp class calls down is a bit overpowered), but the spirit of the first game is there. Plus, it'll support splitscreen!
Too bad the beta doesn't support split screen
I played some this morning and had a bit of fun. The full game should be great, but I probably won't play the beta much because the split screen is disabled currently. I'll definitely think about getting the final game though for the split screen play.
Without the emoticon.
Damn, I need to play more Titanfall :D
You should get that as a Tattoo.