Destiny conversations *sOT*
I've been introducing my kids to Destiny ever since the first artwork came out. We've had great discussions about the ViDoc, the GDC presentation, and recently, the E3 demo. They particularly enjoy repeating Jason Jones's line - "shut up and get behind me."
Today my 10-year-old asks my 5-year-old if he wants to play battle. My younger son replies, "Yeah! I'll be a space warlock. My power is guns!"
They make me proud (:
Destiny conversations *sOT*
I've been introducing my kids to Destiny ever since the first artwork came out. We've had great discussions about the ViDoc, the GDC presentation, and recently, the E3 demo. They particularly enjoy repeating Jason Jones's line - "shut up and get behind me."
Today my 10-year-old asks my 5-year-old is he wants to play battle. My younger son replies, "Yeah! I'll be a space warlock. My power is guns!"
They make me proud (:
This is awesome :)
I think that one of the beauties of being a parent is that you get to experience that youthful innocence and playfulness and wonder and just plain fun again with your children, whereas you may not get to experience it as an adult otherwise.
Thanks for sharing, and Happy Father's Day!
Destiny conversations *sOT*
I've been introducing my kids to Destiny ever since the first artwork came out. We've had great discussions about the ViDoc, the GDC presentation, and recently, the E3 demo. They particularly enjoy repeating Jason Jones's line - "shut up and get behind me."
Today my 10-year-old asks my 5-year-old if he wants to play battle. My younger son replies, "Yeah! I'll be a space warlock. My power is guns!"
They make me proud (:
Heh, I'm looking forward to having conversations like that with my daughter (who's only just starting to figure out words) and introducing her to the world of games and geekery.
Destiny conversations *sOT*
Lil' Blue (6 years) and Lil' Bluette (4 years) were playing. He's on the ground and hands here a nerf gun. "Chief, take this and kill Guilty Spark. Send me out with a bang." Pretty much every day there is some kind of Halo discussion between the two of them.
Lil' Blue is a huge Arbiter fan. Any chance he gets he plays as an Elite. I'm curious what kind of character he'll choose for Destiny. I'm going to get him his own account so that he can build up his character with me. Lil' Bluette will probably just go back to tending her sheep in Minecraft.
Destiny conversations *sOT*
Lil' Blue (6 years) and Lil' Bluette (4 years) were playing. He's on the ground and hands here a nerf gun. "Chief, take this and kill Guilty Spark. Send me out with a bang." Pretty much every day there is some kind of Halo discussion between the two of them.
Lil' Blue is a huge Arbiter fan. Any chance he gets he plays as an Elite. I'm curious what kind of character he'll choose for Destiny. I'm going to get him his own account so that he can build up his character with me. Lil' Bluette will probably just go back to tending her sheep in Minecraft.
Sounds a lot like my house!
That's really interesting because my oldest is also a huge Arbiter fan. He even named his Xbox profile "Arbiter". Same thing about playing as an Elite - I wonder what the draw is.
I'm excited to see what kind of character he would be in Destiny, but will he have to have his own XBL or PSN account? Will guests be able to play? Will you be able to play split-screen? All questions to which I'm looking forward to having answered.
Destiny conversations *sOT*
Lil' Bluette will probably just go back to tending her sheep in Minecraft.
I've seen what you and your family do in Minecraft. You make the Gestapo look like Daycare Handlers. It's silence of the lambs for real.
kids love dinos.
- No text -
Its true.
*Wu Joke goes here*
Really though, Space Samurai are the best Samurai. #Leet4Eva :)
Its true.
*Wu Joke goes here*
I guess that doesn't count - I wasn't a dino then. :)
(I didn't post that - a friend did, recently. Just seemed to back up the thesis.)
Its true.
*Wu Joke goes here* guess that doesn't count - I wasn't a dino then. :)
(I didn't post that - a friend did, recently. Just seemed to back up the thesis.)
The glasses alone earn you the "dino" status.
Cute kids, too :)
Its true.
Well THAT was unexpected. No Beard? Must have evolved over time as a defence mechanism.
As Daxx mentioned - Cute kids. :)
Its true.
Well THAT was unexpected. No Beard? Must have evolved over time as a defence mechanism.
As Daxx mentioned - Cute kids. :)
The beard evolved over time out of laziness. :) (Actually, I had a pretty full beard not long after that pic was taken - way fuller than it is now.)
And only one of those kids is mine. :)
Its true.
The beard evolved over time out of laziness.
Isn't that how they all evolve? Mine certainly did.