
Destiny conversations *sOT*

by bluerunner @, Music City, Monday, June 17, 2013, 06:59 (4188 days ago) @ Oholiab

Lil' Blue (6 years) and Lil' Bluette (4 years) were playing. He's on the ground and hands here a nerf gun. "Chief, take this and kill Guilty Spark. Send me out with a bang." Pretty much every day there is some kind of Halo discussion between the two of them.

Lil' Blue is a huge Arbiter fan. Any chance he gets he plays as an Elite. I'm curious what kind of character he'll choose for Destiny. I'm going to get him his own account so that he can build up his character with me. Lil' Bluette will probably just go back to tending her sheep in Minecraft.

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