
What happened to keyboards? (Off-Topic)

by Funkmon @, Sunday, January 31, 2016, 17:09 (3058 days ago) @ BeardFade

I would, but I don't type correctly. I type with four fingers. I hit the spacebar with my left pointer, shift with my right pinky, and type the letters with my first two fingers on my right hand and the pointer on my left. Hence, ergonomic keyboards don't work for me, and since I annoyingly type at around 90 WPM with my dumb way of typing, I haven't bothered learning the correct way.

That said, there are modern keyboards that do exactly what I want.

Unicomp is a company in Lexington, KY iirc, and they bought Lexmark's keyboard division. They currently make Model Ms. They have them with Windows keys, buckling springs, the old setup, everything. Made in America, and they only cost $84. As for why I don't buy one, that's a bit of dough I ain't got.


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