
Destiny Detox Program (Gaming)

by Kahzgul, Sunday, February 07, 2016, 19:37 (3008 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Rise of the Tomb Raider is amazing. Halfway through and astounded at just how much game there is here.

Hand of Fate... Game of the Year candidate IMO. Totally new mechanics I've never seen before, addictive gameplay loop, really polished. Free on Xbone right now.

Black Ops 3 - I love zombies mode. I honestly wish they'd release a stand alone game of just this sort of puzzle FPS game.

And then there's the "games I own and should probably finish" category:

- Assassin's Creed: Black Flag. I'm at 92%. Can't believe I haven't finished this yet.
- The Last of Us. Again, 75% of the way through. I want to finish the story but the combat has taken a turn to the annoyingly challenging in the area I'm in now which has sapped my will to play.
- Broken Age. Slowly going through this with my kid (one of the few games I can play while he watches).
- Hearthstone. Does this count? Fun game, anyway. I feel bad for new players though - the barrier to entry is way too high, even with the new "season" changes.
- Dying Light. How have I not completed this one yet? I keep thinking I'm finishing the final mission only to find there's more. Who knew there was an entire second city???
-Avernum 3. I blazed through 1 and 2, but 3 isn't holding my attention as well. Kind of less directed and urgent feeling, I think. Then there's 4, 5, and 6 to finish. Dang.

Well before I finish all of those, these games will come out:
- The Division. I know this forum has been down on it, but my RL friends thought it was really fun.
- No Man's Sky. I don't know how this game could possibly live up to the hype, but I'll probably play it anyway.

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