Golgoroth DPS Strategies (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, February 09, 2016, 20:54 (3304 days ago) @ Chappy

I was talking to a friend of mine about the various Kings Fall mechanics and I think that the Golgoroth fight has the most varieties of strategy for how to maximize damage on the boss. Even within DBO events, I'm not sure we've settled on particular strategy we use every time. Since this is the Golgoroth Challenge week, I figure I'd collect the ones I'm familiar with. Is there a clear favorite, is there another strategy that should be tried?

1-Gaze, One Orb (no bubble):
This is the most common strategy used in XBox One DBO events. One gaze holder positions at the front left. The DPS team positions on the right side bridge, shooting Golgoroth to draw his attention and shooting the orb. When the orb falls, the Gaze holder grabs the gaze and the DPS team runs into the pool to begin doing damage to the boss.
Pros: With no gaze switch, there are no cursed thralls spawning behind the DPS team that risk a wipe
Cons: The time required to move from the back right to the front left pool takes away potential damage; this strat usually requires 4 DPS cycles.

The groups I do it with have only a single person on the right side bridge; everyone else is hiding behind pillars near the front left. With a Titan for WoL and one or two Hunters for tethers, this is pretty easy to finish in 3 rounds. (As long as you're not in Golgy's line of sight, being front-left is not a problem for grabbing gaze, by either the teaser or the gaze-holder.)

1-Gaze, One Orb (with bubble):
This isn't an approach I've used personally, but I'd like to give it a shot sometime. Similar to the 1-Gaze, One Orb (no bubble) strat, one gaze holder positions at the front left behind the boxes. The DPS team positions inside a weapons of light bubble inside the front left tunnel. This draws Golgoroth's attention and he will ignore the gaze holder, allowing him to drop the orb then grab the gaze (shooting the top of the boss crit spot from the elevation of the boxes). The DPS team then moves the short distance to the pool with the weapons of light buff to begin the damage cycle.
Pros: With no gaze switch, there are no cursed thrall spawning behind the DPS team that risk a wipe, plus the DPS team will start with the Weapons of Light buff and can enter the pool very quickly
Cons: Requires a Titan and invokes some risk while the DPS team gets in position (perhaps a hunter vanish could help).

I did this for the first time with an LFG group this week, and was pretty amazed by how well it worked. We got 19 seconds of damage time (with EVERYONE getting WoL boosts, not just the 2 or 3 that bothered to step back into the bubble as usually happens when doing 1-gaze, one orb), and the risk was minimal (anyone can take a second or two of golgy's blast without dying). I'm surprised this hasn't caught on more. (We finished in 2 rounds.)

2-Gaze, One Orb:
This is the strategy my original raid group uses to maximize damage on Golgoroth. One gaze holder positions on the right side bridge, while a second gaze holder positions at the front left. The DPS team readies close to the second gaze holder at the front. To start, the gaze is grabbed from the right bridge, giving the DPS team time to drop the orb and get in the pool. When everyone is in position, the primary gaze holder pulls the gaze to the front left, allowing the DPS team the full duration of the second gaze to do damage. The initial gaze holder moves to the pool to do extra damage.
Pros: Maximum time to do damage to Golgoroth
Cons: Two cursed thrall spawn behind the DPS team when the gaze switches and one of the DPS team must deal with them.

This actually seems really dangerous - I've never done it. It doesn't really seem to hold any pros over the first method... I'm surprised it works as well as it does. (I'd say that for most runs, deaths happen because of 1) the Tainted Light person not remembering to get out of the pool, and 2) add damage - so anything that reduces the number of adds automatically reduces the chances for player death.)

2-Gaze, 6 Orb:
This was popular for a time, but I don't see it very often on heroic difficulty (perhaps due to the increased risk to the fireteam). One gaze holder positions on the right side of the room, while a second gaze holder positions at the left. The DPS team drops one of the front orbs, and the corresponding gaze holder takes the gaze while the DPS team enters the pool and begins damaging the boss. With 5 seconds left on the countdown, the DPS team drops the opposite side orb and moves into its pool, as the second gaze holder grabs the gaze before the timer runs out. Cursed thrall begin to spawn, requiring one team member to focus on enemy control for the remainder of the cycle. The gaze is passed left and right as the DPS team drops each orb in succession until all orbs have been used.
Pros: This offers the most time to do damage to Golgoroth - enough that the DPS team will likely run out of sniper ammo by the end of the 3rd pool.
Cons: This requires more coordination and communication across the fireteam than other methods. There is more risk, as cursed thrall spawn nearby at every gaze switch.

During the last Challenge Mode, I was introduced to a 5th method, which actually worked pretty well: it's the same as the first (well, with the small variation I mentioned), except that after the first 5 players have grabbed the gaze, the front right bubble is brought down, and the sixth (and last) gaze-holder lines up on the front right, with four in the pool doing damage and one on add duty. It has the same risks as your 2-Gaze, One-Orb method, but gives you an extra 10 seconds or so of damage per round.

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