
What does Destiny 2 really mean anyway? (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, February 12, 2016, 14:20 (3301 days ago) @ cheapLEY
edited by dogcow, Friday, February 12, 2016, 14:31

Seems like we're getting a full blown Destiny 2. How's everyone feel about that?

Good. I really doubt it'll be a bad thing.

Now, for the ultimate question, what does "Destiny 2" mean?

What I HOPE for:

Destiny 2 is simply an expansion the size of D1 or bigger. D2 can come on a disc or be a download. D2 will simply update the current destiny executable. Doing this will solve all the issues with #6 (below).

Here's what I think the worst case scenario would be:

1- Does it mean an expansion the size of vanilla destiny?

It won't be an expansion, but instead a full fledged new game.

2- Will this 'expansion' be on a separate disc?

Yes (see answer to #1).

3- Will it support prior gen?

No. (sorry prior gen peeps :( ).

4- Will my guardians carry over?

Yes, they will carry over. They are stored on Bungie.net and are not tied to a specific destiny game.

5- Will my weapons & gear carry over?

No, they will not carry over. (see #6)

6- Will I be able to play Destiny 1 content?

Yes, but with limitations.

If you want to play D1 content then you will simply launch D1 . You will not be able to use any D2 gear. Your guardian will be 'split', it will have D1 slots & vault, but these will only be visible in D1. The same guardian will also have separate D2 slots & vault, only visible in D2.

If they DO allow using Y2 gear then doing so might only be supported on current gen hardware. This will require Bungie to update the weapon&gear files on D1. This will also set a precedent requiring D1 to be always updated with current weapons & gear, D1 & D2 when D3 comes out... D1, D2, D3 & D4 if/when D5 comes out.

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