
So much fun! Video from my perspective: (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, February 16, 2016, 18:31 (3297 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Might be the most heartbreaking end to a match I've ever had ;)

So cool. Funny how you and I almost never mixed it up. I was shooting slycrel almost the whole game, I feel. Things I noticed:

- That grenade through the window was awesome. I remember seeing you throw it and thinking "that's goddam brilliant."

- Round 3 I think you should have won, but went after special ammo instead of watching for IGolding's maneuver.

- Heavy round... You sat down?! I was laughing so hard when you did that in the video. We could not figure out what you guys were doing after I deterred your initial charge. Also... When you GG'd me I was at 98% captured on the point. Sooooo frustrating. Though I did previously eat one of your rockets while my res overshield was filling up, so I guess it was even?

- I suck at shadowshot. Actually, that shot I fired should have killed Sly, but it completely failed to track him. Worst super in the game, imo. So hard to aim and use.

- I was pleased to see that I was doing a good job of getting behind cover when you were shooting me from the side. I had no idea how clear of a shot your first shot was and how quickly I was finding cover. I was running this game with quick revive instead of shadestep and holy god did I miss shadestep.

- That final super... Seeing it from your screen you could totally tell what was happening. Crazy! That first grenade outside sort of made you all run towards each other, which led to the grouping for the super. Lucky, that.

Good times! Maybe one of these days we'll be on the same team...

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