
Stupid Exotic Armor Ideas (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 17:10 (3296 days ago)

I'll tell you right now off the bat--I don't have any fancy shmancy picture makers or picture maker experience to design an actual piece, or the Patience & Time to create a whole philosophical backstory, but I was thinking of some stupid armor pieces. Didn't even think about the fact that armor is class specific until this morning, but whatever.

My first would be a pair of Leg Armor--If it were real, it would be the first Leg Armor that offered Burn Defense instead of Double Down. Arc/Void. Increase Discipline/Strength, and Fusion Rifle/Rocket Launcher Ammo.

The perk?

Well...I can't come up with a name less corny than Borrow a Feelin'. But the effect is this--while this armor is equipped, it allows you to 'borrow' a movement ability--and its modifiers--from another class.

All I hear these days is whining from everybody about how whatever class they're currently using "can never jump in comparison" to their main class. But it's almost inaudible over their complete and utter fuming jealousy and repressed, barely contained sexual lusts over how I always complete a jumping puzzle flawlessly, regardless of my class.


Oh, that felt good.

But just imagine--Hunters being able to use the Warlock jump to cross the disappearing platforms with ease! Titans being able to use the Warlock jump to safely gain distance over the dozens of Thrall between them and the timed chest! Warlocks being able to use the Warlock jump to effortlessly cross from Tombship to Tombship without a single mistake! Oh, wait.

The possibilities are endless!

For my next idea--an Exotic Helmet. So, Intellect/Strength, Inverse Shadow/Heavy Lifting, and Invigoration.

The exotic perk? Light's Rage--ALL primary weapons gain Firefly. >;-)

How's that for massive crashing? But seriously, if there was a way to calm the system down so the game doesn't shatter whenever you're doing good, that would be--at least in my sick head--an awesome helmet to go OP with.

Those are my ideas. How crazy is that!?

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