I'll just leave this here (newest PA comic) (Destiny)

I'll just leave this here (newest PA comic)
Yeah I saw that too :-)

funny thing is
I liked dressing my character in Division much more than Destiny. Right now in destiny I have little to no control over what I'm wearing since it's all tied to gameplay and a lot of my favorite stuff (mid-level Year 1 warlock gear) isn't viable in any way. Right now I feel like a pea-cocking space emissary rather than how my Guardian would actually look.

funny thing is
I really wish they would add twist fate to all legendary armor. I don't think it would be a problem like weapon rerolling was, and it would allow me to have multiple loadouts without changing my look. I hate having to choose between usefulness and cosmetic.

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funny thing is
I liked dressing my character in Division much more than Destiny. Right now in destiny I have little to no control over what I'm wearing since it's all tied to gameplay and a lot of my favorite stuff (mid-level Year 1 warlock gear) isn't viable in any way. Right now I feel like a pea-cocking space emissary rather than how my Guardian would actually look.
I definitely understand and agree with what you're saying. I'm not sure how they fix it, but they need to do something. I'm tired of not being able to wear the cool looking stuff I want to because it's not the right light level or doesn't have the right perks.
That said, while I understand that it has to fit the setting, dressing a character in the Division is boring. It's all crap I can just go buy right now and actually wear. That's boring to me.

Disregard Stats, Acquire Cosmetics.
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Cosmetics win fights.
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funny thing is
That said, while I understand that it has to fit the setting, dressing a character in the Division is boring. It's all crap I can just go buy right now and actually wear. That's boring to me.
I actually like using things I own in real life. They're details that help me connect with the character.

funny thing is
That said, while I understand that it has to fit the setting, dressing a character in the Division is boring. It's all crap I can just go buy right now and actually wear. That's boring to me.
I actually like using things I own in real life. They're details that help me connect with the character.
Cosplaying would certainly be easier...
But then you'd just be Generic Soldier #99969.

funny thing is
That said, while I understand that it has to fit the setting, dressing a character in the Division is boring. It's all crap I can just go buy right now and actually wear. That's boring to me.
I actually like using things I own in real life. They're details that help me connect with the character.
I understand that, too, but it's just not personally what I want. I like dressing up my avatar in cool capes and shiny armor. As I said, it makes sense given the setting, but I find that pretty lackluster as well. Different strokes for different folks and all that.
I just thought it was a funny comic--I didn't intend to turn it into another The Division bashing or Destiny comparison.

funny thing is

I'd love to see...
I really wish they would add twist fate to all legendary armor. I don't think it would be a problem like weapon rerolling was, and it would allow me to have multiple loadouts without changing my look. I hate having to choose between usefulness and cosmetic.
Weapon and armor customization, without going purely cosmetic. I like games where there is some gameplay association with how you customize a character like having Ninja clothes be stealthier than heavy armor, etc.
Firstly, Bungie builds almost all of their gear cosmetically with component parts. This grip + that barrel = new gun. They obviously make and add a lot of cool components with each DLC, but this is how we get what seems like 10,000 different guns, while really there's much fewer sets of components. This methodology is also applied to the stats and perks of the weapon - no two guns are the same statistically out in the wild. But the cosmetic and stat variation are not really tied together!
So I find all the current possibilities of gear overwhelming at times, and its hard to know what a gun really means by looking at it or reading its name, since its statistics can be completely different than a gun cosmetically identical to it. You have to go in and examine all the details in a character. And then they could go off and re-roll something and it's different the next day!
I'd love to see all the perks and stats tied to the cosmetic components, and have the components another type of item to find in the game, whether attached to a gun or on their own. You could head to a table set up by Banshee at the Tower and add your mods and customize your weapons with these parts (and something similar with armor somewhere else). So there'd still be a huge range of guns, but there would be a consistent, comprehensible logic to how they behave associated with their visuals.
Then I'd also re-introduce Etheric Light as a rare, attainable resource that you can infuse into any weapon and armor piece, to bring up its Light. So cosmetics are still tied to behavior, but not limited to early or late game equipment.
Shaders would be a resource - not gear itself. They could be applied to to your weapon and armor components or to the set as a whole.
Ships and sparrows would also be fully customizable, but remain cosmetic....
....Unless they introduce space battles!

funny thing is
That is nightmare fuel.

funny thing is
That said, while I understand that it has to fit the setting, dressing a character in the Division is boring. It's all crap I can just go buy right now and actually wear. That's boring to me.
I actually like using things I own in real life. They're details that help me connect with the character.
I understand that, too, but it's just not personally what I want. I like dressing up my avatar in cool capes and shiny armor.
I also like buying cool capes in real life.

funny thing is
I also like buying cool capes in real life.
In all seriousness, I would absolutely buy a Hunter cloak if they offered one on the Bungie store. I don't know why, but goddamn I would.

funny thing is
I also like buying cool capes in real life.
In all seriousness, I would absolutely buy a Hunter cloak if they offered one on the Bungie store. I don't know why, but goddamn I would.

funny thing is
I also like buying cool capes in real life.
In all seriousness, I would absolutely buy a Hunter cloak if they offered one on the Bungie store. I don't know why, but goddamn I would.
lol. Perfect!

ha, sorry about that
That said, while I understand that it has to fit the setting, dressing a character in the Division is boring. It's all crap I can just go buy right now and actually wear. That's boring to me.
I actually like using things I own in real life. They're details that help me connect with the character.
I understand that, too, but it's just not personally what I want. I like dressing up my avatar in cool capes and shiny armor. As I said, it makes sense given the setting, but I find that pretty lackluster as well. Different strokes for different folks and all that.I just thought it was a funny comic--I didn't intend to turn it into another The Division bashing or Destiny comparison.
I thought it was really funny also, it just got me thinking about how I love love love some of the looks in Destiny but have never truly been able to dress my guardian exactly how I'd like.

ha, sorry about that
I thought it was really funny also, it just got me thinking about how I love love love some of the looks in Destiny but have never truly been able to dress my guardian exactly how I'd like.
Yeah, that's a fair point. House of Wolves era Destiny was the best in that regard. I never felt like I was wearing anything because I had to for level.

So much this ^
Right now a gun name means little. It's only the perks that mean something. Oh, you got an ABC gun? It's amazing if it has perks XY & Z.
This is an old example, but still relevant:
"I'm totally getting schooled by that Conspiracy Theory D, maybe I'll try mine out..."
Gets killed repeated at a range that's almost as long as a warlock melee snipe.
"Man, I guess his Conspiracy Theory D is just a better gun than mine. What a difference those perks make, it's like a totally different gun."
I'd like less variety in perks on a gun and more variety in gun names. I don't care about gun models as much, but that would be cool too.

That's a winner winner chicken dinner!
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funny thing is
I don't think I've come across that Titan chest armor; what is it?
[edit]Ah, I found it in the armory. The "Hesperos Type 0" is Playstation Exclusive; each class has a set that's unavailable on the XBox (in this case, the Titan Hesperos Armor).

funny thing is
I don't think I've come across that Titan chest armor; what is it?
Isn't that one of the PlayStation exclusives?

funny thing is
Yup. One less thing for me to collect :)

I want the whole set.
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I want the whole set.
Really? I find it incredibly ugly.

This makes perfect sense
I've always wondered why it wasn't that way. I'm sure it's because the art team didn't want to have to marry a mechanic to every piece of art they made, but gosh it would be nice if they had so you could just look at someone and know things about their build and weapon.

I want the whole set.
Really? I find it incredibly ugly.
The helmet is great (stormtrooper!), but the rest of it looks like Fallout Power Armor... Which might appeal to some folks.
Then again, who knows. I found all of the Warlock's Azoth Bend armor and the Hunter's Neuroghast armors to be ugly in the screenshots, but now I pretty much wear the whole set for each (Shaders work wonders).

I want the whole set.
Really? I find it incredibly ugly.
The helmet is great (stormtrooper!), but the rest of it looks like Fallout Power Armor... Which might appeal to some folks.Then again, who knows. I found all of the Warlock's Azoth Bend armor and the Hunter's Neuroghast armors to be ugly in the screenshots, but now I pretty much wear the whole set for each (Shaders work wonders).
Hmmm, yeah I guess I forgot about the shaders. That would help a lot.

Destiny dabbles with this a little bit...
I'd love to see all the perks and stats tied to the cosmetic components, and have the components another type of item to find in the game, whether attached to a gun or on their own. You could head to a table set up by Banshee at the Tower and add your mods and customize your weapons with these parts (and something similar with armor somewhere else). So there'd still be a huge range of guns, but there would be a consistent, comprehensible logic to how they behave associated with their visuals.
The raid gear is a step in this direction. It's still a bit vague, but if you see someone wearing a full set of raid gear with read weapons, you know they are specifically well equipped to fight Taken and handle the raid mechanics. Trials of Osiris was similar in year 1 (before all the weapons got random rolls); you knew that a player wearing Trials gear and wielding Trials weapons was specialized for PvP.
I think that's why I enjoy setting my characters up with complete sets; it plays into the role-playling side of the game which is otherwise a bit under utilized.
The system you're suggesting takes this stuff a lot further, though. I love the idea :)

I want the whole set.
Really? I find it incredibly ugly.
I think you just stated the reason why right there. :) In that image posted by Cyber I was trying to come up with the goofiest looking character I could possibly make.
Also, with Taikonaut & Chatterwhite it's reminiscent of an astronaut.

I want the whole set.
Really? I find it incredibly ugly.
I think you just stated the reason why right there. :) In that image posted by Cyber I was trying to come up with the goofiest looking character I could possibly make.Also, with Taikonaut & Chatterwhite it's reminiscent of an astronaut.
Ohhhh, I thought you actually found the set appealing! my bad :-)

I want the whole set.
Really? I find it incredibly ugly.
I think you just stated the reason why right there. :) In that image posted by Cyber I was trying to come up with the goofiest looking character I could possibly make.Also, with Taikonaut & Chatterwhite it's reminiscent of an astronaut.
Ohhhh, I thought you actually found the set appealing! my bad :-)
Well, I do find the goofiness of it appealing... so... :)
edit: but not in an attractive way.

I honestly think how people dressed in The Matrix is cool.
Like, for real. Neo in the Matrix looks like the epitome of cool. Black trenchcoat, cool sunglasses, combat boots.
Me and Narc were talking about it while playing Doom 3 because some of the characters are wearing early 2000s hacker chic clothes, and I realized this.
Now, as a person who cares at some level about fashion, I cannot be seen to walk around like this...but I can in video games!
So, if ever I can, I dress up my character to look like a goth movie hacker from 2002.

I honestly think how people dressed in The Matrix is cool.
Like, for real. Neo in the Matrix looks like the epitome of cool. Black trenchcoat, cool sunglasses, combat boots.
Me and Narc were talking about it while playing Doom 3 because some of the characters are wearing early 2000s hacker chic clothes, and I realized this.
Now, as a person who cares at some level about fashion, I cannot be seen to walk around like this...but I can in video games!
So, if ever I can, I dress up my character to look like a goth movie hacker from 2002.
I would totally walk around all day IRL in a suit of Mjolnir Mk. V Armour. It would probably just be too expensive to acquire :v

I think Nightmare Armor was selling them for like $4k.
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I think Nightmare Armor was selling them for like $4k.
Case in point. If I spend more than $25 on a shirt, it has to be a special occasion.

It better come with jetpacks
I can eat for an entire month on $25...

It better come with jetpacks
I can eat for an entire month on $25...
You must not live in California.

Kneepads suck in Destiny too
Worst perk ever.

It better come with jetpacks
To be fair, I can only do this for as long as I'm in college

My cheapest month was less than $5.
I was going through a pretty rough anorexia phase.
3 pieces of bread per day, two pieces of honey ham.
Bread from Aunt Millie's outlet, 20 cents per loaf, so about one cent per piece.
Ham was 2 pounds for $4, I didn't use the whole 2 pounds. I used mustard because it has zero calories. $1, lasts about 5 weeks.
$5 a month, about 300 calories per day. I was living large. This was before I figured out about multi vitamins, though. I was pretty weak. It hurt to stand and I blacked out fairly often. Other than the low calories and no vitamins, it wasn't so bad. I had meats, fats, wheat, technically a vegetable in the mustard. All your food groups! It was obviously a bad decision, but I'm better now.

It better come with jetpacks
To be fair, I can only do this for as long as I'm in college
What does Oryx and the Hive eat? I see no farms on the moon or the dreadnaught. What does your guardian eat? There's no kitchen in the tower!
I'm glad you're better now.
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"better" is relative when we talk about Funkmon
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Do they need to?
To be fair, I can only do this for as long as I'm in college
What does Oryx and the Hive eat? I see no farms on the moon or the dreadnaught. What does your guardian eat? There's no kitchen in the tower!
Guardians are all re-animated corpses. Do they need to eat? Or sleep?

Do they need to?
To be fair, I can only do this for as long as I'm in college
What does Oryx and the Hive eat? I see no farms on the moon or the dreadnaught. What does your guardian eat? There's no kitchen in the tower!
Guardians are all re-animated corpses. Do they need to eat? Or sleep?
Yeah, I mean if you die from starvation and you get revived, does that reset your starvation counter? or do you die immediately? This is some deep shit.

At least you were pretty, though.
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No, bad response, don't encourage him
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