
The rituals must be obeyed? (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Thursday, February 25, 2016, 22:54 (3033 days ago)

In the Weekly Update, deeJ suggests that the rituals must be obeyed. That is, posting an update.

But must they? We had the Halo weekly updates only when the game was in development, Halo 2 updates started with reportable development in the game.

Would you guys be upset if there was no set update schedule? I wouldn't. I'd be happier if they were less frequent and more substantial.


The rituals must be obeyed?

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Thursday, February 25, 2016, 23:03 (3033 days ago) @ Funkmon

In the Weekly Update, deeJ suggests that the rituals must be obeyed. That is, posting an update.

But must they? We had the Halo weekly updates only when the game was in development, Halo 2 updates started with reportable development in the game.

Would you guys be upset if there was no set update schedule? I wouldn't. I'd be happier if they were less frequent and more substantial.

Kind of the point to the stream, I think. Less trying to find substantial stuff to write, more impromptu dialogue and community outreach/entertainment, and the upside is that afterwards you have plenty to write about and summarize.


Thoughts that turned into ramblings.

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Friday, February 26, 2016, 02:01 (3033 days ago) @ Funkmon

In the Weekly Update, deeJ suggests that the rituals must be obeyed. That is, posting an update.

But must they? We had the Halo weekly updates only when the game was in development, Halo 2 updates started with reportable development in the game.

Would you guys be upset if there was no set update schedule? I wouldn't. I'd be happier if they were less frequent and more substantial.

I remember Frankie going around every week to different people to get their thoughts on what they were working on (without revealing exactly what it was) and talking about bump-mapping and water physics, etc. I would love to see that aspect come back: more developer interactions from every department. You don't need to tell me about Destiny itself, just go into the process of making it. Talk to me abut the challenges of Grognok, etc.

Don't get me wrong, weekly updates are fun, and Deej is great, but I'd personally trade the current format for a talk with the different aspects of production, even if it became a monthly thing. What we have now is a tamer, more guarded update I think, which I don't blame them for based on past 'controversies'.

Currently the update only reels in a developer when it's relevant to an update or a recent community melodrama. Those are still insightful, but an ongoing look into the development process (and not the actual content) would both be fun, informative, and I think community-building (folks who go crazy over said controversies might have a more reserved or respectful approach if they see all the work that goes into the littlest of things on a continual basis). It would also just be gosh-darn inspirational/motivational for folks trying to get into the business or working in any art-field (that's why I loved the Breaking In articles a few years ago).

On a sort-of-related tangent, I'd also trade pre-order cosmetic exclusives and Legendary Edition statues for just a blu-ray of vidocs, something like the Middle Earth Extended Edition Appendices, which are almost as fun as the movies themselves. I loved the Halo 2 and 3 behind-the-scenes bonus features, and those were even on top of a plethora of vidocs that had been released before launch.

I think we live in an entertainment culture of both hard work and easy-consumption. Somebody can work on a special effect for three years for a movie or a video game and an audience member can see the end result and immediately say 'ehh." I'm not saying there isn't bad effects or somebody shouldn't be able to say that, but I think a focus and exploration into that hard work that goes into even the cheesiest movie effect, or a mediocre game, or even a painting that feels off, builds a deeper appreciation and understanding of art and entertainment, and I think that results in a greater enjoyment and wonder concerning it. At the very least it leads to more informed and constructive conversations.

Does that make any sense? Even the worst movie or game can potentially have an amazing "Art Of" and if that level of interaction and insight is dealt out to the community in an ongoing conversation, it might bring the community and developer closer together, and I think that can be done while guarding the secrets of upcoming Destiny content. Just have ONI censor it out! ;)


Instead of taming the update to protect Destiny and Bungie, actually open it up and spotlight every facet of the development process. Instead of trying to guard against "Ehh"s and "Ugh"s, intentional create "Oh"s and "Hmm"s.

Just a current thought.

I forgot about Ride-Alongs! Those are great! More of that, but preferably also in text format, because I personally can't stand watching streams/youtube videos.



by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Friday, February 26, 2016, 02:10 (3033 days ago) @ Leviathan

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by marmot 1333 @, Friday, February 26, 2016, 02:13 (3033 days ago) @ Leviathan

That is a very succinct and effective TLDR.



by Funkmon @, Friday, February 26, 2016, 02:42 (3033 days ago) @ Leviathan

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Dune reference?

by squidnh3, Friday, February 26, 2016, 02:37 (3033 days ago) @ Funkmon

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If your game is "ongoing" so too must be your support

by Kahzgul, Friday, February 26, 2016, 03:20 (3033 days ago) @ Funkmon

Deciding to have a rotating slate of events, expanded content on an irregular timetable, and flirting with MLG-style competitive PvP are all ambitious things that Destiny does, and all of those require regular developer feedback and communication.

While Bungie is to be commended for trying, it is my opinion that they've just missed the communication mark. They're too guarded, too worried they'll say the wrong thing, and WAY too unable to admit when they make mistakes.

So if Bungie is just going to keep doing what they've been doing, no, they don't need to do it regularly because they're not giving us any real information. If they want to own that they decided to do some things with their game that really should be addressed regularly with actual facts about the game and the future of the game and any sequels and expansions to that game, then hell yes weekly updates would be quite appreciated.


It is by ritual alone I set my Avatar in motion

by Durandal, Friday, February 26, 2016, 10:40 (3033 days ago) @ Funkmon

"It is by ritual alone I set my character in motion. It is by the nightfall that characters acquire ghosts, the players acquire frustration, the frustrations become a warning. It is by ritual alone I set my character in motion."

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