
Fun Trials moments... (Destiny)

by squidnh3, Tuesday, March 08, 2016, 21:58 (3276 days ago) @ Korny

Since it was a Trials sort of weekend, here a few clips from my point of view:

This match ends with the crazy round of meleeing inside Korny's bubble. We kicked it in pretty hard after they tied it up at 2-2. I get a pretty sweet/lucky grenade off @1:00, getting me one of my many assists to Zero's kills this weekend.

After somehow avoiding getting rocketed, I manage to take out one guy before his teammate goes to revive the first dead player. I instinctively pop my Golden Gun, and take them out in one jump shot before they can escape. You can pretty clearly see the Deadeye perk at work here, which I always use in order to make it more likely to hit those jumping shots. While this was a dangerous move (and I would have been pretty upset if that first guy had managed to snipe me), popping your Golden Gun in a hectic situation is usually a reasonable choice, as it puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the other team to decide what to do.

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