
I beg to differ

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Saturday, February 16, 2013, 17:37 (4098 days ago) @ JDQuackers
edited by ZackDark, Saturday, February 16, 2013, 17:47

Novo Fit (New Fit)

Down here in Brazil, it happens all the time. Same thing happened with the Civic, for example.

It serves to illustrate that, despite the same name (Civic, Fit or Xbox), it is an entirely... *ahem* new thing, with its own marvels and wonders. It is not something to be waved away with a "been here, done that" attitude. And to invoke that, they use the word "new" in the title itself. Not as an actual name to the product per se, but something a bit more substantial than a simple adjective.

But yeah, that would be stupid.

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