
a desire for betterment got us out of the caves (Gaming)

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Monday, March 21, 2016, 18:05 (2969 days ago) @ Funkmon

I used to have a Windows Mobile Pocket PC back in 04. I would reencode Red vs. Blue to like 176x144 at 10 fps to fit it all on my PDA and show people at school. Nobody thought it was dumb then. I uploaded a video on Facebook a couple years ago at 1080p at 20 FPS and people had a fit. I for serial don't understand people who can't take a video quality dip.

From my days running a TV station I am hyper aware of any visual hiccups or quality problems. For a very long time I could not watch Hulu without going insane.

That said, frame rate is something I think everyone can notice. And nobody sane prefers 10fps. The fact that expectations were lower 12 years ago, or that people were not ungracious to you is not an indication that some people are good with it.

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