
Two years, and people still whine and moan every update... (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Monday, April 04, 2016, 12:35 (3249 days ago) @ Korny

I'm surprised that Rev hasn't shown up to White Knight about principles and Justice for all. ;)

Seriously, they are likely going to have PlayStation exclusives EVERY SINGLE TIME content is released until at least Year 3. It was obvious from the moment they announced The Taken King.

I expect to bring up this same reminder the next time an exclusive is announced and the same bunch of folks start complaining.

And I will continue to look down on PS every time they release exclusive content.

Business is business. Nobody on Xbox was complaining about how unfair it was for Playstation folks to get content later every time there were exclusives. It took over a year for Bioshock to get released on Playstation, and five years for Mass Effect to see a release. Nobody on Xbox was mad at Microsoft. Now that it's on the other side...

I think that's stupid too! I don't think anyone should be kept from playing great games just because of their preference in consoles.

The funny thing is, it's not like PS needs to do this. They are doing it because they can.

I'm pretty sure that at the time of the deal, Sony didn't know that PS4 would be outselling Xbone 2:1. We don't know what the deal was. For all we know, they secured content exclusivity for all of the Destiny games over the next ten years.

That's true. I'm more referring to post-vanilla. I play on the XBox because I prefer it. I will continue playing on the XBox because it's what I like. If for some reason Destiny dropped XBox in the future, I would probably stop playing Destiny.

Anyway, back to waiting for a weapon that will probably be crap by the time it comes to XBone.

I'm genuinely sorry about Hawkmoon. I really hope that Bungie decides to reactivate the Magic Bullet, given the five other nerfs that they gave it...

The funny thing is, I never cared for Hawkmoon. I have no interest in handcannons. So it really didn't affect me. Exclusive content pisses me off and not being able to use a weapon that is cool pisses me off. Hawkmoon was the prior, this new sniper is both.

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