
Notable potential purchases... (Destiny)

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Monday, April 11, 2016, 16:49 (3242 days ago) @ Chappy

Thanks, CyberKN! If you've got the marks you might want to consider:

  • 1000-Yard Stare (Vanguard Sniper) - Solar, Longview SLR10, Triple Tap, Perfect Balance, Mulligan
  • The Smolder (Crucible Rocket) - Void, Aggressive Launch, Tripod, Flared Magwell, Grenades & Horseshoes
  • Ruin Wake (Crucible Machine Gun) - Arc, Aggressive Ballistics, Life Support, Fitted Stock, Hidden Hand
  • Hung Jury SR4 (Dead Orbit Scout) - Torch, Triple Tap, Hand-Laid Stock, Firefly
  • Righteous VII (New Monarchy Auto Rifle) - Perfect Balance, Rifled Barrel, Glass Half Full
  • The Vanity (Future War Cult Hand Cannon) - Luck in the Chamber, Extended Mag, Firefly

Not sure about the best shotgun (Patch-A?), pulse rifle (Villainy?) or Sidearm (Havoc Pigeon?).

I'm sure there are others - what are people filling their pockets with (until the new vault space opens)?

Don't Forget the Vertigo! (FWC)

Near-Max Blast Radius + Velocity + Grenades & Horseshoes

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