
Starside Lounge, Episode 10 (DBO)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Tuesday, April 12, 2016, 14:50 (3227 days ago) @ Beorn

Thanks for the show guys! Really enjoyed it.

Just 1 point about your discussion about light levels:

There was a lot of talk comparing the new infusion system to the etheric light system back in House of Wolves. I agree with the general point that the April update will give us more ways chase max light, but I think you were making a bit of a false comparison. Etheric light gave your item an instant bump to max level. The new infusion system will only allow you to do that if you actually get a max-light item to drop, and who knows how often that will happen. We might have 5 or 6 weekly activities that can drop up to 330 or 335, but those drops might be just as rare as 320 drops are now.

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