
Well, it's tricky (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, April 15, 2016, 21:00 (3238 days ago) @ Kahzgul

... And because of the distributed token-ring-esque network setup, a single laggy player can cause everyone in the game to periodically lose sync, even when they all have otherwise good connections, and it's not consistent because of how the buck is passed - sometimes only laggy mcghee is lagging, and sometimes (far less often) it's everyone, and that changes in the middle of matches.

I've heard mention of this "token-ringesque" model before. Where does this originate from? I don't recall any statements from Bungie regarding their network model, other than that wonderful presentation regarding how they split up hosting responsibilities among player & bungie servers. I don't recall any mention of passing a token between hosts (unless people mean when the host for an area is handed off to someone else due to the host leaving). What purpose would it serve, taking turns declaring authoritative game state? I can see how that would be advantageous in that nobody could exploit being host, but wonder if it could be solved in other (better?) ways too.

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