
PoE and Points... I like it and want more points everywhere (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Monday, April 18, 2016, 19:58 (3234 days ago) @ Korny

Seriously, I hope Bungie point-ifies everything!

- Friendly competition with buddies.
- Try to beat your high score.
- Emergent challenges (we tried to beat PoE with the lowest possible score last night without variks ever taking points from us... did it with just over 21k, very hard not to kill all those adds).
- Gives an objective metric for comparing builds, weapons, playstyle, etc..
- Makes it clear when you get a kill or an assist
- Encourages players to kill adds for more points and discourages camping, hiding, and cheesing the boss fights.

- There's a tiny extra display on your screen in the corner down there that someone might complain about.

Honestly, I'm so happy with the implementation of points. It hasn't wholly changed how I play, but I feel like it encourages all the right things: Using your super more often to get more points, killing adds instead of hiding in a corner sniping the boss all game, providing an effective and non-cheap feeling soft time limit (variks subtracts points from your total if you take too long to kill a boss). It's a very clever way to make pve activities reward you based on playing the game the way it was designed to be played rather than cheesing the mechanics to kill the boss as safely as possible.

Combined with the subtle changes to the encounters, I'm having a lot more fun playing PoE than any other part of Destiny right now. What seemed like a gimmick at first blush is actually exactly the fix that PvE activities needed and is providing really nice positive feedback to the players in the process.

Though I did have fun taking my new 223 Lord of Wolves into PvP last night.

I wish there were multipliers. Five precision kills in a row? Give me extra points for it!

Assist Spree? Hand those points over!

I love scoring systems. Keep in mind that we had it easy last week. Next week might be painful.

So true. Without small arms buff it's going to be *much* harder.

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