
Recommeded Loadouts (Destiny)

by Durandal, Wednesday, May 11, 2016, 12:13 (3212 days ago) @ Morpheus


Striker, Peregrine greaves, Shoulder Charge, Transfusion "Kick all the things!"

This combo will one shot any of the small mobs and many of the yellow bars when you jump just before the charge. It ignores trickle, and kicks will regen your health intermittently. Jump punch on occasion as needed.

Alternate take: Defender Titan, Monte Carlo, AC/DC Feedback Fence, Gift of Light, Untouchable, Blessing Of Light. Use the perk from Monte Carlo to regen your Disintegrate. Run into mobs, let them hit you, AC/DC procs, weakening them, then jump and get a Disintegrate kill, activating your shield. Jump punch with your shield to generate orbs + melee kills for major bonus points.


Blade Dancer, Arc Grenades, Fast Twitch, Backstab, Hungering Blade. Jump stabs will one shot most mobs and regen health, and Blade Strike will regen pretty quickly. Pair with Mask of the third man or chest with grenade/super regen. Use the arc grenades to prep mobs or set up for assists with your team mates, as the grenade wont kill on it's own but will get mobs down to half health.

Gunslinger, extra throwing knife, scavenger, knife juggler
The obvious precision setup.



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