
Fun moments from last night. (Destiny)
Joined up with Red Robber (and others) after being in a game against them last night (being the gentleman that I am, I let them win of course).
After a few games, Red and I hopped into a Control match where three of us were up against a team of six. It didn't take long for our third to drop out, leaving just the two of us to fend off the enemy, but thankfully Red wasn't discouraged.
After holding them off for a bit (and only ending up a few thousand points behind), we got a third in, then a fourth, fifth, and sixth, and we began to push back. The enemy hit a wall around 13,000 points, and we made it count:
And with a third of the captures...
We then joined up with ProChao5, and went up against a team of suspiciously accurate snipers...
I even had to sacrifice ProChao5 in order to counter one of the snipers. :P
Good times!
Complete thread:
- Fun moments from last night. -
2016-05-14, 12:37
- You fight to win guardian, so FIGHT! - red robber, 2016-05-15, 00:55