
Don't trust this man. He's testing you (Destiny)
He's testing you. You have to stand on his porch for an indeterminate amount of time before your application is even considered. At which point, you must present proof that you have found the yellow banshee. Then he'll hand you a sandwich. DO NOT eat it. I know you'll be starved after hanging out on his porch for hours (days?) on end, but trust me. There is a secret code you'll have to decipher. Pay close attention to the ingredients. How many olives are there? Did he use salami or roast beef? These clues, properly deciphered, will actually send you to a special url that he created just for you. When you access it, look at the source code of the page and you'll find the coordinates for a geocache. You'll find a burner phone there. In it will be the contact numbers for three other DBO members. If you can get a selfie with each of them in the picture, Claude will order Xenos (who is chained up in his basement btw) to add you.
Did I leave anything out? Was anyone else's experience different? Or was that just me?
Good luck!
Complete thread:
- Joining the DBO Clan? -
2016-05-24, 15:26
- Joining the DBO Clan? -
Claude Errera,
2016-05-24, 15:48
- Send The Cake To My House.
- Morpheus, 2016-05-24, 18:28
- Don't trust this man. He's testing you -
Robot Chickens,
2016-05-24, 20:29
- Dammit, now I have to change the code. :(
- Claude Errera, 2016-05-24, 20:54
- Remember to feed the Xenos tonight.
- CyberKN, 2016-05-24, 21:04
- Tacos okay?
- Claude Errera, 2016-05-24, 21:09
- ¡Por supuesto!
- CyberKN, 2016-05-24, 21:17
- No onions please!
- Xenos, 2016-05-24, 22:01
- ¡Por supuesto!
- Tacos okay?
- Remember to feed the Xenos tonight.
- Kinda wish this was true
- someotherguy, 2016-05-24, 21:35
- So you're saying it was just me. :(
- Robot Chickens, 2016-05-24, 21:57
- So you're saying it was just me. :( - unoudid, 2016-05-24, 22:27
- So you're saying it was just me. :(
- So glad the international hazing process is different - ZackDark, 2016-05-24, 22:49
- Dammit, now I have to change the code. :(
- Send The Cake To My House.
- Join this clearly superior alternate clan. - Funkmon, 2016-05-25, 05:10
- Joining the DBO Clan? -
Claude Errera,
2016-05-24, 15:48