
Final WEIGHT... (Off-Topic)

by Mid7night ⌂ @, Rocket BSCHSHCSHSHCCHGGH!!!!!!, Saturday, May 28, 2016, 02:46 (2940 days ago) @ Mid7night

BTW, in case anyone is curious, I just balanced it with some nose weight (ok a lot...ok REALLY A LOT*) - CG placement is important - The final Ready-To-Fly weight is 95oz!!

That may not mean much if you don't fly gliders on this scale, but as a point of reference most "normal" gliders this size (4-ft wingspan) would be considered "a bit heavy" if they weighed 30-40oz.

Should be a screamer! Pray for big wind. :D

*Pre-balanced weight was 71oz, meaning it took a full 24oz to balance the plane. That's 1.5 POUNDS, just for balance weight!

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