
How to avoid ever being invited to Iron Banner. VID+IMG (Destiny)
There I was, sitting around, doing nothing productive and listening to Radio Wales as is my wont. Got an invite to a party from Unoudid. They were doing some Iron Banner and wanted to get some help. They were stressed and consistently losing. I was apparently being invited to fill out the team. Unoudid, in a pleading way, as if he was in a banana truck on the planet of the apes during lunch rush and had just run out of fruit, said this:
"I just need to win one game so I can go to sleep."
I knew as soon as I heard that sentence, I was going to sabotage the win if I could.
Then, apropos of nothing, unoudid said I was a bad person. Accurate assessment, but poor judgment.
"You don't even know," I said, then started giggling. I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I knew I was going to attempt to give Zero Point Fox an aneurysm.
Only once we got to orbit did the full plan form in my head, as I was looking at my gear. Crucible test weapon, unupgraded pocket infinity, and racing gear with a massive exotic engram head.
That's when I started giggling like crazy. I laughed so much it was hard to talk once I finally saw myself. This is how I looked to the majority of players.
I was doing well, trying to kill people with my pocket infinity. I actually damaged some guys a few times. Example:
Overall, I think I contributed positively to the team, and I hope you all learned your lesson.