640k is enough for anybody. (Gaming)

by General Battuta, Saturday, May 28, 2016, 22:41 (3210 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Where is our artificial intelligence that behaves like humans? In the 70s they said we'd have it by now. But we don't. We don't because of fundamental limitations of computers. The brain is not a computer and does not process data representationally. You cannot get around this fact. Hence why we do not have human level machine intelligence and probably never will. I've been seeing a lot of papers on this in the popular media recently which now agree. I only wonder why now the idea is starting to take hold, when in college it took me 4 hours of research to determine the argument had already been pretty much conclusively settled.

Neural nets are a core component of a lot of modern computing (like language recognition). There's no fundamental limitation preventing a computer from running a whole brain emulation.

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