THAB 06/02/16: Teaser edition (Destiny)
This week at Bungie we’re preparing to reveal your next adventure.
You’re invited to learn all about the next threat that you’ll confront as Guardians.
Destiny Reveal Stream
Thursday, June 9th, 10 AM Pacific
TWITCH.TV/BUNGIESave the date. Follow our channel. This will be your first glimpse at what awaits you later on this year, followed by a deeper dive with the development team.
Slow news week? Maybe, but next week won’t be. We have something to look forward to just over the horizon.
We hope you’ll join us for the reveal.
Interesting . . .
It's interesting to me that they are doing a Twitch stream. I just assumed there would be a trailer at E3.
Odd IB stats...
Total number of legendary drops were almost half of the total Legendary Marks earned?
One weekly bounty earns you 25 Marks! I turned in 6 bounties, that might have been on the high side of average. Let's say folks turned in 2 bounties. That's 50 marks. (That suggests about 350,000 players, total. Seems low...)
It also suggests an average of 20 legendary drops!
I played WAY more than the average player, and I don't think I came close to 20 drops.
Something's fishy...
Can't wait for the nine Twitch previews showing six guns.
1 per week, each with a prominent Destiny community member I've never heard of. The best part will be the massive two line summary in the weekly update!
It does seem very very weird.
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So much salt!
But I do kind of get the point that you're making. :)
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That's how kids like to get their news now.
Sometimes the unscanable, nearly impossible to search or index, data-inneficient mountain has to come to Muhammad.
Awesome image. :D
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