
What would you like to see in Destiny 2? (Destiny)

by Chewbaccawakka @, The Great Green Pacific Northwest!, Friday, June 10, 2016, 18:43 (3030 days ago)

Or perhaps more specifically, what would you like to see in terms of Character Design and Customization Options?

For me there's a two big ones.

  • Facial Hair
  • More cloth

I'd love for my Guardians to be able to sport a beard. Or my Hunter to have a classy Gunslinger 'Stache. It's been mentioned in the past, and for now, I don't really know why Bungie has not implemented it?

As for more cloth, what I mean is, armor is cool and all, but I'd rather have my Warlock draped in more and varied cloths. Some of the gear looks like cloth stretched over armor plating, but what I'd rather see is it actually draping loosely over the underlying gear. Maybe some more cloth ammo pouches too!

A good example of what I'm thinking is something similar to this image:


Anyway, what are y'all thinking for the future of Destiny? Anything you'd like to see, or to not see perhaps?


What would you like to see in Destiny 2?

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Friday, June 10, 2016, 18:56 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka
edited by CyberKN, Friday, June 10, 2016, 19:00


What would you like to see in Destiny 2?

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, June 10, 2016, 19:05 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

Nothing that I'm dying to have in the game. Mostly I'd just like everything to be bigger! Bigger areas, more enemies on screen at once, more allies able to be in an area at once...


ability to restyle a character in game.

by unoudid @, Somewhere over the rainbow, Friday, June 10, 2016, 19:33 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

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At least my hair.

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, June 10, 2016, 19:34 (3030 days ago) @ unoudid

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What would you like to see in Destiny 2?

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Friday, June 10, 2016, 19:39 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka


The other classes are envious of Warlocks as it is; having armor like that would just be too much. It's why our boots n' pants are weird and fruity lookin'.

Anyway, what are y'all thinking for the future of Destiny? Anything you'd like to see, or to not see perhaps?

I'd like to be able to touch up and change my Guardian's looks. The guardian that I designed is not the one that shows up in the game (cutscenes aside), so I'd love to tweak and fix an existing Guardian.

As far as options:

-Piercings, scars, facial hair, tattoos, and glasses (Scouters, maybe?).

-I'd like the ability to remove my helmet outside of social spaces (maybe with cool mask/rebreather when outside of habitable atmosphere.

-Cosmetic-only armor attachments, such as scarves, ponchos, bandannas, diadèmes, backpacks (yeah, I know Ghost stores our loot in Hammerspace, but even he says that he lives in our backpack), wristbands, keychains, and hoods (sans capes). More stuff to express ourselves in non-gameplay impacting ways.

-Downloadable voice packs. Our characters hardly speak, and other players really only hear a few grunts and groans, but one of the more underrated features in ODST/Reach was having your preferred Firefight voice. I miss those days (sure, each player race has its own voice actor, but they're tied to the chosen race/gender).
There's something special about playing Warframe with Sammy, and her Operator is a no-nonsense warrior, while mine is more reserved. Really shows a contrast in personality, even when we're playing as the same Frame...

-And a modifiable Emote wheel.


What would you like to see in Destiny 2?

by Blackt1g3r @, Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Friday, June 10, 2016, 19:39 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

The ability to do more activities with more than three players. Currently you can do crucible, or crucible unless you pull 6 in for a raid. Why can't the story missions scale the enemies based on the number of players for example?

Space combat! Then again, I'm pretty happy with Elite Dangerous on xbox now.

Fewer currencies!

Build your own shaders.

Customize weapons on top of the base archetypes. Similar to how changing scopes can change the weapon's appearance. I want choices in how to customize my weapon, not just a static set of options and not randomized re-rolls. Random is not fun.


What would you like to see in Destiny 2?

by Chewbaccawakka @, The Great Green Pacific Northwest!, Friday, June 10, 2016, 19:53 (3030 days ago) @ Korny

-Cosmetic-only armor attachments, such as scarves, ponchos, bandannas, diadèmes, backpacks (yeah, I know Ghost stores our loot in Hammerspace, but even he says that he lives in our backpack), wristbands, keychains, and hoods (sans capes). More stuff to express ourselves in non-gameplay impacting ways.

-Downloadable voice packs. Our characters hardly speak, and other players really only hear a few grunts and groans, but one of the more underrated features in ODST/Reach was having your preferred Firefight voice. I miss those days (sure, each player race has its own voice actor, but they're tied to the chosen race/gender).
There's something special about playing Warframe with Sammy, and her Operator is a no-nonsense warrior, while mine is more reserved. Really shows a contrast in personality, even when we're playing as the same Frame...

-And a modifiable Emote wheel.

Yes, yes, yes! I'd love for customization options that weren't game affecting!


What would you like to see in Destiny 2?

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, June 10, 2016, 20:35 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

I'd love to see some of the things others have already suggested (more cloth!!!).

My one big wish for Destiny 2 (which will never ever ever happen) is to see Bungie completely ditch all traces of rank & light level. I started a thread a while back about how I think rank and light level in Destiny do more harm than good, and how the few benefits they do bring could be achieved in other ways. The short version is that I like the idea of having our characters grow in power over time, but I don't think rank & light level need to be a part of the process. I'd like to see a version of Destiny where our characters gain new powers as we play, we acquire new guns and new armor that give us different perks and abilities... but I don't ever want to have to worry about hitting a certain rank in order to equip specific items, or having light levels attached to my gear that confuse everything.

Put another way: Let's say I have 2 legendary hand cannons and I want to compare them. I should be able to look at the specs of each item and instantly know which one will do more damage per hit. That isn't possible with the current system unless the guns I'm comparing are the exact same light level. It also gets confusing between multiple players. I'd like a system where my Mida multitool always does the exact same amount of damage as everyone else's Mida.

Bungie could still add new enemies to the game that have more health than the previous batch, while also adding new weapons that do more damage than the previous weapons. There would still be ways to grow and expand and become more powerful. Just without all the negative aspects of the current system.



by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Friday, June 10, 2016, 20:47 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

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What would you like to see in Destiny 2?

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, June 10, 2016, 20:52 (3030 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I'd like to see perks tied to weapon names. I'd like to know that one person's alphabet-soup-1 was teh same as my alphabet-soup-1. If we need multiple perk packages for a weapon just change the name to alphabet-soup-variant-2. That could still allow for a vast number of rolls, even some 'god rolls' on a weapon, but everyone would know which version/roll you were using/up against.


Who made that picture? Its cool, please credit the Artist

by Pyromancy @, discovering fire every week, Friday, June 10, 2016, 22:31 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

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Nevermind, found it; Ario117. DBO? Front Page? Nah...

by Pyromancy @, discovering fire every week, Friday, June 10, 2016, 22:43 (3030 days ago) @ Pyromancy


A complete redesign?

by cheapLEY @, Friday, June 10, 2016, 23:03 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

I've said it before, multiple times, but I wish Destiny was more like Borderlands in it's structure. Maybe it's because that's what I was expecting from the first time Destiny announced and it's just been stuck in my mind since then.

Basically, I want Destiny to be a bit more traditional in it's RPG structure. I want NPCs to actually inhabit all the play spaces, where we can encounter random quests, or maybe a small Guardian outpost with NPCs as a hub for vendors and quests on different worlds.

I don't actually know how to accomplish this, and I'm not sure it's possible with the way Destiny currently is (and if they're planning on sticking with that). My version would be much less dependent on having to return to the Tower. I'm not sure what they would have to do for the way the game currently handles matchmaking into PvE areas. I don't know if they could make it more seamless. Ideally, I'd want to not have to return to orbit after every mission, patrol, strike, etc. I'd love to actually just inhabit the world and be able to move seamlessly from one thing to another (so long as those things were on the same planet, obviously).


What would you like to see in Destiny 2?

by cheapLEY @, Friday, June 10, 2016, 23:06 (3030 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I'd like to see a version of Destiny where our characters gain new powers as we play, we acquire new guns and new armor that give us different perks and abilities... but I don't ever want to have to worry about hitting a certain rank in order to equip specific items, or having light levels attached to my gear that confuse everything.

I'd love that just for the fact that I'd never have to grind out three subclasses on alts ever again. It's like they're actively trying to get me to just play one class on one character.


I'm holding out for...

by Quirel, Friday, June 10, 2016, 23:57 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

Capes that look like a tattered bathrobe. And a "Hitch-hiker's Hail" emote.


Same Thing I Want(ed) In Destiny 1.

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 01:35 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

More(yes, more) and diverse bounties. And another good idea, instead of tracking 4 at a time by pressing back, how about they all show up Recon/Reach style as I progress in them? Certainly beats having to press Back a bunch.

I also think Legendary Marks(or whatever high-end currency they're gonna use) could be retrievable--i.e. Postmaster-able. Until I find something I want to spend my Legendary Marks on(280 Randoms from the Cryptarch, anyone?) There's not even a point to me doing anything the Director says.



by Claude Errera @, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 02:34 (3030 days ago) @ Pyromancy

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What would you like to see in Destiny 2?

by Mid7night ⌂ @, Rocket BSCHSHCSHSHCCHGGH!!!!!!, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 02:53 (3030 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r

Fewer currencies!

Build your own shaders.

Customize weapons on top of the base archetypes. Similar to how changing scopes can change the weapon's appearance. I want choices in how to customize my weapon, not just a static set of options and not randomized re-rolls. Random is not fun.

Yes, yes yes!

I can't fathom who thought it was a good idea to basically add some new currency with like EVERY update. There's no depth or meaning to them, at least not for me. They're just all extra layers in the way of having fun.


A lot of changes.

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 03:49 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

1st, I agree with Cheapley about the way missions and social spaces flow. Instead of always going to orbit to visit the tower, or start a new mission, wouldn't it be great if the Tower were somehow connected to the world we fight in. Imagine a large social space in the last city with shops, NPC's, streets to explore without having to fight enemies. But then when we want to take on a mission, we can simply head out into the world through the gates into the wilderness. We'd obviously still need to go to orbit for planetary travel or for places on earth we'd need to fly into. It would be nice if each planet had a social hub as well.

2nd, guns. I think we need to change the way guns are classified. Instead of common - rare guns having crap stats, what if they had basically the same stats as legendaries, but just fewer perks. A common gun would have 1 perk, uncommon 2, rare 3, legendary 4, and exotic 5. Instead of random perk rolls for the same guns, the perks would always be the same for each gun. Think about how many guns there are in destiny. Even without random perk rolls, there would still be so many guns to choose from. But it would be nice for us to all have the same experience when playing with a named gun. I would never sell any gun other than a rare at the shops/vendors, and you wouldn't need a rank to equip any type of gun. All legendaries would be rewards, or found by exploring and discovering clues to find their chest. Lets say for every X number of dead ghosts you find, the next chest you open will have a specific weapon in it. Chests will be in fixed locations and always have that specific weapon so you will know where to go to get what you want. You could never have more than 1 of any gun but once you unlock it, it would be in the kiosk for you to buy if you decided to delete it. Exotics would be the only weapons with a unique perk only found on that weapon. Weapon light levels would also disappear, as I would try to fix the leveling/damage system (but thats for another time). So any gun from vanilla to the last expansion would always be viable.

3rd, armors. Very similar to what I discussed above. I'd remove class specific armors except for the ones that are Exotics. Their perks could have to be specific to their classes ability though. An armor that gives 2 grenades, or radar while aiming is too generic. It would have to enhance a specific ability for that class/subclass. This would allow any class to be fitted to any look they desire. Who cares if a Titan wants to wear a cape? or a hunter wants to have a bulky blocky armor look? Your class/subclass should only affect your abilities. Armors would follow the same rules as the guns above. Number of perks determine the rarity, and are fixed for a specific names piece. Armors don't have any ratings for defense so rares works just as well as legendaries for protection. I'd also remove int, dis, and str from armor as well.

Finally, light levels/rankings. Fix this system somehow. I'd remove int, dis, str and defense rating from armor, remove attack level from guns, and place them into the list with armor, recovery, and agility for the class/subclass. So when you pick your class/subclass, you'd be given a starting set of stats on the low end of the spectrum. As you reach each new rank you'd be given a point to spend on leveling up each of these categories as you see fit. Eventually when you hit max rank, you'd run out of points and would never be able to max out all the categories. For example, Titans would generally have more armor/defense and less agility starting out. Hunters would be the opposite. Warlocks would probably be somewhere in the middle for those stats. You could create tanks by maxing out armor and defense, but you'd lose out on getting super/abilities as often. Your level in destiny would be your access to activities, your light level would be the number of points you can put toward your specs. These may be the same number or separate numbers depending on the need/design.


A lot of changes.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 04:03 (3030 days ago) @ red robber

2nd, guns. I think we need to change the way guns are classified. Instead of common - rare guns having crap stats, what if they had basically the same stats as legendaries, but just fewer perks

This is an idea I had long ago, but with a different twist: legendary guns would have more perks, but they would have slightly worse overall stats. This way, you can either have better base stats, or more perks. So depending on the roll and the situation, you may use greens and blues along side your purples. Exotics would get better stats AND better perks. If the perks were not boring perks (stats up), but rather perks that changed the way you play, then this could be a cool set of tradeoffs.


A lot of changes.

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 04:14 (3030 days ago) @ Cody Miller

That is a good idea too, and I think I remember you mentioning it. It just seems silly to have sooooo many guns and armor pieces in Destiny and most of them (which are classified as more common) are rarely used.


Red's new light level/ranking system.

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 05:07 (3030 days ago) @ red robber

So after a little thought, I've completely fixed the level/light level debacle. All weapons and armors are completely removed from this system. Guns do fixed amounts of damage by weapon type/archetype, and armors are strictly for looks and perks.

I'd have ten global stats for all classes and each stat has 10 light levels.

1. Attack-starts at 0% and maxes out at +5% increase
2. Health-starts at 95HP and maxes out 105HP
3. Armor-95HP to 105HP
4. Recovery-starts at 4sec maxes out at 2sec
5. Agility-0% to 10% increase in movement speeds/height
6. Intellect-starts at 5 min to super max 3 min
7. Discipline-1 minute to 30sec
8. Strength-1 minute to 30sec
9. Stamina-0 to 5 secs added to length of sprint and reduction in cooldown between sprints
10. Capacity-0 to 20% increase in ammo reserve for all weapons

10 stats with 10 light levels gives a total of 100 points to be filled. Assuming the same content DLC pattern from Destiny 1, here's how I'd setup the Leveling system.

To start, all subclasses would have 10 points preassigned to certain stats that fit their roles. Ex: A defender would have more health and armor, say 3 levels of each, 2 levels of capacity, and 2 intellect. This starts the defender down the path of a "defensive" character.

So D1 had Vanilla, TDB, HoW, TTK, tiny April DLC, and assuming finally Rise or Iron. So for Vanilla D2 we'd start at 30 as the max level giving you a total of 40 light levels out of the 100 possible. DLC 1 & 2 would go up 5 each for a max level of 40 and LL of 50 for Destiny 2 Y1. Expansion 1 (think TTK) would bump you up 10 more with the following DLC adding 5 for a Y2 max of 55 level/65 light level. The Final DLC would bump you up 10 more for a total of 65 level/75 light level.

Of course this would all need tweaking/testing to see how well it would work. The range of stat increases may be too small/big, the amount of total light levels attainable may be too many by the end of all DLC's. But I feel like this is a good start to simplify things for everyone from the developers to the community. Like Cruel mentioned, it would be nice to know that certain weapons will do specific damages for all folks, with the difference being the attack value of your character.

I had to add the stamina and capacity to make a nice round 100 point system. I'm a big fan of slowing down the overall speed of the game slightly. I think that the world we play in would feel much bigger without so much sprinting, and it would be even nicer if they removed sparrows as well. Imagine having to walk the entire cosmodrome! :) Just that alone would make the world seem larger to us as players without having to actually make it that much bigger.

In hindsight having a total of 75 out of 100 points may be too much. 7 maxed out bars seems like alot. Perhaps we could set up a system where the final max takes extra levels to fill if you want to fully max it out at level 10. Or simply reduce the number of levels. I'd imagine the most maxed out levels we'd want per character would be 3-4? That way it feels like a player can specialize.


Rare overpowered guns.

by Funkmon @, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 11:18 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

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Fun guns, strikes and raids.

by ProbablyLast, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 11:46 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

Could not care less about my character's appearance.


ITT: People who can't read...

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 12:03 (3030 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

"Character Design and Customization Options?"

People talking about strikes, weapons, Light, and leveling.

Come on, fellas. :P


Guns aren't customization options?

by Funkmon @, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 12:41 (3030 days ago) @ Korny

I knew what he meant. I just only care about the guns, which is why I didn't elaborate at all and just threw it in there.


ITT: People who can't read...

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 12:57 (3030 days ago) @ Korny

"Character Design and Customization Options?"

People talking about strikes, weapons, Light, and leveling.

Come on, fellas. :P

Conversations evolve.


ITT: People who can't read...

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 13:44 (3030 days ago) @ Cody Miller

"Character Design and Customization Options?"

People talking about strikes, weapons, Light, and leveling.

Come on, fellas. :P

Conversations evolve.

Usually after answering the initial question, yes.
Most folks in this thread ignored the specific question and jumped into their own tangent.


What would you like to see in Destiny 2?

by BlackstarBSP, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 17:29 (3029 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

Ok, read through just about every post in this thread and read lot of good ideas. Here are... a few I had for Destiny 2. ;)

Swap 'Perks' for 'Abilities'
I would like to see the variations from weapons and armor switched to the character/subclass. I don't become a brain surgeon just because I put on a lab coat. If bungie wants me to invest in a character I play, then don't let me lose a skill of reloading faster just because I change my gloves.

Weapons/Armor stats should be fixed/standard
Others have said they would like the specs on guns to be standard, I would agree. Would also say the same should go for armor.

Level up your character, not your gear.
My car does not get magically better the more I drive it; I get better driving it the more I drive it.

Let me pick the scopes
Seems fairly easy to me; let me choose what sites I like on whichever weapon I choose.

Let me pick the colors - Characters, Ships, Weapons, Banners
How about a web page/app on which to make and share our own shaders with other players? Allowing people an outlet to express themselves creatively is a sure fire way to keep them playing. People want to make shaders for, well everything. Don't they have 'paint' in the future?

Stop forcing me back to the 'Tower' every 10 minutes
Feels like I'm commuting more than saving the universe. It's the future; we have space-cell phones.
If I need to 'talk to Petra', she can call me.

Simplify the exchanges/money system
Feels like a need a degree in future economics some times. Maybe set the values of things/items and let me exchange what I have for what I need across the board. You want an economy, fine. Set the values. Then let players exchange everything for anything. That's how money works.

Take out the Vegas slot machine factor
Instead of the 'random' reward system, how about rewards that we can use/exchange for what we need/want? Forcing us to replay over and over and still deny us just desserts is more than a little... frustrating.
As others here have said, 'Random is not fun'. Could not agree more.

Scale encounters/Missions/Strikes/RAIDS for different teams sizes
No one is on the same schedule these days and missing or losing people in the middle of heavy gameplay is no fun. Plus many times the only options I have to play, no one is even around. Be nice to have a more varied range of team player options, including down to just a single player choice, without the mission being completely impossible. Why only 3 or 6? Why not 2 people, 4 or 5 people? Or dare I say, even just solo.

Varied Weather
Enjoying the Destiny lighting and time of day factors that have been incorporated. (Well done Bungie, love it!) Now, having actual weather variations could increase the replay value. (Rain, High wind, Snow, Blizzard, Lightning, Clouds, etc) All these could help make playing levels feel brand new, every time. Walking through the wastes of the Cosmodrome in pitch black night with heavy rain and lightning could be... awesome.

Keep ammo I pick up
Would be nice to be able to save ammo in game. I can use my reserves in game. Why can't I add to those reserves in game as well?

Your ship should be your storage
Have 'being in orbit' be the new 'tower' for managing your gear, weapons and ammo. It would save a lot of time when you just need to do a few things to get ready for the next mission, instead of going to the tower, doing what you need, going back to orbit, and then load the next game. (Some of this can be mitigated by the web/phone apps, but it would be nice to be able to do this without needing third parts applications or devices).

Choose Specific Strikes in Playlist
When you get the same three in a row... yeah. Bungie, let me drive for a while.

Pick your own entry point
When replaying RAIDs, it would be nice to have the option to specifically choose where your party begins. If you've unlocked one or all the levels, it would be convenient to pick outright at the beginning then reloading specific characters or swapping party leads to get to the correct save point.


I love all of these suggestions :)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Saturday, June 11, 2016, 18:35 (3029 days ago) @ BlackstarBSP

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What would you like to see in Destiny 2?

by Raflection, Sunday, June 12, 2016, 05:08 (3029 days ago) @ BlackstarBSP

I agree 100% with everything you've wrote.

Have to admit that..

If I need to 'talk to Petra', she can call me.

..Made me laugh louder than it should have.

Colour customisable emblems? YES YES YES YES

Also, for the love of all things sparkly let me wear my cape WITHOUT the hood on it as an option.
Titans could swap sides for butt towel and warlocks change their band from each arm (or even to a leg?)


What would you like to see in Destiny 2?

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Monday, June 13, 2016, 14:09 (3028 days ago) @ BlackstarBSP

Rewards for repeating missions / Repeatable Quests
I would love to be able to replay certain quest lines / story missions and still get SOMETHING for completing the missions. Give me blue drops or something at the end screen.

Also, don't make me go back to orbit after I finish a mission, just drop me into patrol please. (I see problems with this though, you might lose your sense of completeness.)


What would you like to see in Destiny 2?

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Monday, June 13, 2016, 16:50 (3028 days ago) @ dogcow

Rewards for repeating missions / Repeatable Quests
I would love to be able to replay certain quest lines / story missions and still get SOMETHING for completing the missions. Give me blue drops or something at the end screen.

Also, don't make me go back to orbit after I finish a mission, just drop me into patrol please. (I see problems with this though, you might lose your sense of completeness.)

I was going to post this. I love immersion in a good story. Year one's story wasn't great, but I still would have appreciated it more if I'd gotten to play through it again in a less fragmented way than how Destiny encourages replay. The expansion missions are much better, but now when I play the daily story mission, I often feel like I'm dipping into a chapter of an epic book or movie I can't easily re-experience. There are also a handful of missions you can only play once. Let us reset questlines. Give us only materials or glimmer. Maybe there could be a campaign mode that worked like the Vanguard Strike playlist, where you'd automatically be dropped into the next quest step, and as long as you stayed in, you upped your chances at an exotic.

At least my hair.

by Fire Opal, Monday, June 13, 2016, 19:34 (3027 days ago) @ dogcow

Totally agree, the option to be seen without a helmet in the social spaces should be extended to the rest of the game.

Very minor matter I know in the light of all the good suggestions on this thread but it would be nice

What would you like to see in Destiny 2?

by Fire Opal, Monday, June 13, 2016, 19:46 (3027 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

Already posted one thought but on further consideration would love the ability to customise my characters physical appearance to a far greater extent. If we could have do this in the same way as we do in say the DKS franchise that would be wonderful. I enjoy making grotesques and we would then certainly all look different.

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