
I made some things (Destiny)
So last week I was checking the Bungie store because of the topic about the kontrol freeks and I saw this shirt:
I don't know why, but something about the design really clicked with me and I couldn't find images of it anywhere. So I started to toy around with powerpoint because I don't have any other object creation software and I'm a total noob when it comes to this stuff. I ended up with this:
Then I thought to myself, "I'd like a high resolution version of my favorite emblem, I should try that!" A little bit later I came up with this:
There are some dodgy spots if you're a perfectionist, but I'm pretty pleased with the result. "I'm getting decent at this" I thought to myself. Then, being the good husband that I am, I pondered, "I wonder if Rellekh would like her favorite emblem?"
"Rellekh, whats that emblem you use on your warlock?"
"Oh, it's Blessing of the Speaker I think. Why?"
"Let me just look that up..."
Errmyghaddd. Really?
"No reason, I was just curious"
I love and hate this piece. I love it because of the symmetry, the math, and the balance. I hate it because I was going to try to recreate it.
This is the in-game icon for reference:
If you can't tell, the level of complexity in this icon is crazy. I found one other image that gives a little more detail:
Those are well and good, but I wanted a high res image and sometimes I'm stupid with my time. Did I mention I'm doing this in powerpoint's object editing interface? This involved a lot of work, and I had to guess at a couple of design choices because the available reference images are pretty low res. After several evening's worth of editing, I'm really pleased with the final result. It clocks in at 1500x1500 pixels, so you should be able to use it for a lot of things before it gets fuzzy.
Go ahead and zoom in. Check out the little details.
Anyhow, if you want to use these resources, I'm attaching links to the files:
pdf of images
pptx of images
cayde6 structure
wolf structure
wolf mask
blessing structure
P.S. Because I'm still having fun with this, I may take on requests if you want to see your favorite emblem in high resolution. I reserve the right to quit and rejoin real life at any point.