
Fastest Time gets a prize (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, June 19, 2016, 23:39 (3021 days ago)

If you have Mirror's Edge Catalyst, head over to Eden Village and give the "DBO Parkour Challenge" a try. If you are not friends with me on PS4, add D_P_Roberts to see if it will show up.

On July 1st, whoever has the fastest time gets a prize. What is it? Only I know.

I have already practiced and stopped just shy of the finish, so that my ghost is not available to anyone. You'll have to do your best on your own.

The time trial is very technical, and while it may appear straightforward there are a ton of ways to speed things up. You can go slow and steady or string together tons of moves and go like lightning. It can also only be completed at a certain time of day!

Get cracking.

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