
Dear Players: stop trying to bargain. (Destiny)
When you want something added or changed in a game, ask for it without compromise. Push for it. This gives people like Deej or Cozmo WAY more ammunition when they talk to the dev team about what needs to be changed or added to make the community happy.
1. Never ever pull me out of my menu. NEVER. EVER. I'm still being pulled out. I don't care if a round starts, there's a wipe, or whatever else. NEVER EVER PULL ME FROM MY MENU! EVER! Are you thinking of a good reason to pull me out? IT'S NOT A GOOD REASON. So don't do it EVER!
2. Get rid of inventory slots completely, or else make there enough for one of every item in the game, and make each item stackable. We are ditching last gen consoles, so memory is no excuse. Managing inventory is boring and stupid.
3. Hold Square to delete shit from the postmaster.
4. Be able to delete entire stacks of things.
5. Drops should go into my inventory immediately after a crucible match, so I can delete them instantly. having them appear when you hit orbit is too slow and wastes time.
6. Get rid of all 'frictions' in the game design. Yes, this means making Destiny a different type of game. Yes, this will make the game way better.
7. Remove light from guns, ghosts, and class items.
Complete thread:
- Destiny exotic Rap -
2016-06-28, 14:39
- Destiny exotic Rap -
2016-06-28, 14:45
- Dear Players: stop trying to bargain. -
2016-06-28, 15:01
- Dear Players: stop trying to bargain. -
Cody Miller,
2016-06-28, 15:53
- Why the 7th one?
- ZackDark, 2016-06-28, 16:21
- Fixed that for you :) - CruelLEGACEY, 2016-06-28, 16:46
- Why the 7th one?
- Dear Players: stop trying to bargain. -
Cody Miller,
2016-06-28, 15:53
- Detachable cameras... -
2016-06-28, 15:06
- Detachable cameras... -
2016-06-29, 02:12
- Detachable cameras... -
Cody Miller,
2016-06-29, 05:30
- This - ZackDark, 2016-06-29, 09:09
- Detachable cameras... *imgs* -
2016-06-29, 13:26
- Detachable cameras... *imgs* - cheapLEY, 2016-06-29, 14:21
- Detachable cameras... -
Cody Miller,
2016-06-29, 05:30
- Detachable cameras... -
2016-06-29, 02:12
- Dear Players: stop trying to bargain. -
2016-06-28, 15:01
- That was fun
- Blackt1g3r, 2016-06-28, 15:56
- Submission Not Found - breitzen, 2016-06-28, 15:59
- Destiny exotic Rap -
2016-06-28, 16:50
- Not related -
2016-06-28, 16:58
- o_o
- RaichuKFM, 2016-06-29, 02:47
- o_o
- Not related -
2016-06-28, 16:58
- Destiny exotic Rap -
2016-06-28, 14:45