
Might Not Complete Y2 Moment of Triumph (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Saturday, July 09, 2016, 05:59 (3152 days ago) @ stabbim

You post makes a lot of sense. Basically, don't do what you don't find fun. I'm pretty good at staying away from things I dislike. I only did Salvage today for the Moment of Triumph. And that's one of the few times I've played Salvage this year. I really like the idea of Salvage and with a few tweaks it would be an awesome and fair mode. But right now it's not.

I similarly avoid Trials of Osiris. I'm actually pretty good at Skirmish. The 3 on 3 suits me for some reason. But Trials... the way one mistake is so completely punishing and the way the gameplay jerks to a halt over and over,usually before a minute has gone past, infuriates me to no end. I can't ever seem to pickup on tactics or get a feel for an enemy. Not having been at max light since House of Wolves just compounds the difficulty and frustration, so I stay completely away from the mode.

But I don't hate pvp or Destiny's Crucible. I love the feel in general and am of the opinion that Control is one of the best pvp modes developed in something like a decade. Sure, I grumble about Join in Progress being braindead sometimes, but for the vast majority of the time I really enjoy the Crucible.

So, yes, I hear you. And I do avoid the things I dislike and take breaks from Destiny after having a frustrating session. But, I guess I do want to make clear that overall I do enjoy myself and my complaints about modes or features I dislike don't mean there aren't plenty of things I do like.

Thanks for the reply. :)

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