
I think I have a problem . . . (Games you play too much) (Gaming)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Monday, July 11, 2016, 14:41 (3081 days ago) @ Kermit

Know nothing about the Witcher games. Is Witcher 2 good? It's on sale for cheap right now. (So is Witcher 3--not as cheap.)

You missed out--Witcher 2 was a free Gold game not too long ago. I think it's good, but a lot of people don't. Keep in mind it's really not that much like The Witcher 3. It's divided into set levels and chapters. I personally think it's worth playing, but maybe check out a few Let's Plays on YouTube or something first because it's definitely an odd game.

Well, durr! I already have it then (I always confirm ownership of free gold licenses). I'm glad you said something regardless, because the free version was not the vanilla one that is on sale now. I guess what I'm asking is would Witcher 2 enhance my experience of Witcher 3, when I get around to that one? I don't feel the need to ask you if Witcher 3 is worth $25. :)

I'm curious about this too... I've heard graet things about this game, but I need to know what the cost benefit to playing the prior games are worth..

As far as games I've obsessed over, the last comparable example was probably Mass Effect. I bought the first one at launch, and never got past the character building screen. To prepare for Mass Effect 2, I played through the first one (which I liked but found clunky), then played through Mass Effect 2, and loved it so much I immediately went back and created a femshep and took her through ME1 and ME2.

Mass Effect are great games. They are some of the few games that I felt like the game just got better with each sequel.

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