Bungie Store Restocked (20% off July 6-July 14 + new stuff)
Nanana new Bungie Week article! Nanana!
Cool new stuff, and sale woot! I guess I will order three sweet t-shirts tomorrow! But which ones? Hunter for sure because I just wanted to ask when it gets restocked. I guess the other two will be Titan and Vanguard! Shipping will be tons, but that's alright!
Bungie Store Restocked (20% off July 6-July 14 + new stuff)
If I'm ever to buy something from the Bungie Store, around about now would be the time! Please forgive me, wallet.
Hunter acquired.
I've got just the place for it - above my guitars!
Kickass studio/office
Is the 360 well ventilated in that spot?
Is that a B-25 next to your R2?
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Kickass studio/office
Probably not, but it hasn't stopped working. :)
Alas, poor wallet.
I knew ye, PC gaming sales and Bungie stores.