
Free Stuff, No Guff

by MrPadraig08 ⌂ @, Steel City, Saturday, July 06, 2013, 17:56 (3949 days ago) @ MoltenSlowa

Just a crosspost from HBO about how their will be cool contests for cool free stuff that a totally cool person like yourself could win.

On top of getting a kickass card game made by community members, I will be giving out >righteous swag to the entries that make me lol the hardest.
I have some "something- somethings" from HBOhio and various other places you could win >just for participating.

Somethings like... Master Chief avatar codes... cool stickers.... other somethings... >and hell, why not? I'll throw in the new map pack too.

Just use your name in the allow or not allow box to link your submission to a user. I >will award prizes at a end of submission ceremony post and a few weeks in between. >I'll most likely throw in a sample black card or white card and ask for you to fill in >the blanks. Stay tuned for contest posts to see how your fellow plebes did.

Stay Sultry, Spitoons.

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