Destiny Gameplay shakeycam from E3
The 3-hour line for the Destiny theatre at E3 is a real bond-building experience. You get to know people. It's like getting stuck with some random strangers in an elevator that suddenly drops a few feet every twenty minutes. You talk. Sometimes you meet people with cellphones from the 21st century, even when yours is one of those old pathetic pieces of crap that's only good for making phone calls. Anyway, one of those very nice people I met recorded Joe's Destiny presentation and got it uploaded today.
It's just a phone recording but I figured I'd post it in case anyone's interested in watching yet another variation on the demo. It's always bound to be a little different. The part in the beginning where Joe turns around and looks off into the vista opposite the wall took me off guard at the time. :)

Whoa, wait a sec
Have we had a video of him going through the options on the RIGHT of the menu before?
So far, I've got, in order of appearance (excluding the ones without name):
- Nightwind Mask - Superior Head Armor
- Moon[dunno] [dunno] - Common Arm Armor
- War[bringer]'s Robe - Superior Chest Armor
- Summersong [dunno] - Common [Titan] [Mask]
Also, Joe mentions Josh (?) will meet them as soon as he gets online. So, at least in Joe's head, it will be possible to purposely find and join friends already playing.

Clearly, you don't watch my vlogs... ;)
I have a super-informative* Youtube channel that keeps you up to date with all the latest gaming** news! (yeah, I could barely type that with a straight face)
I swear, it's almost as if I've only got like 82 subscribers...Oh, wait, I do only have 82 subscribers...Ok, it makes sense now. :P
*Mildly interesting and hopefully entertaining
**As long as that news has to do with Bungie, or my latest radio-control project, or now, my son. :)

Whoa, wait a sec
So, at least in Joe's head, it will be possible to purposely find and join friends already playing.
Yeah, that's pretty clearly shown in the gameplay demos. The second person joins long before a public area is reached, so it seems likely that they specifically looked for and joined the main on-stage player. We may not have actually seen the UI (or whatever process) of them doing so, but it happened. Bungie's focused on the public spaces because they believe it's a large part of what makes the Destiny experience unique, but I doubt that means it's the only way to encounter other players.

I have a super-informative* Youtube channel that keeps you up to date with all the latest gaming** news! (yeah, I could barely type that with a straight face)
Yeah, I didn't mean to imply this was anything new, just another variation on the playthrough. The vista twist took me as a surprise when I sat through the demo on the last day of E3 but I've seen it in a few videos since then. I'm sure there are a number of handheld recordings floating around now since Joe was encouraging people to film and take photos.

Whoa, wait a sec
Indeed. Don't forget about this screen shown way back in the First Destiny Trailer:
Note the Add Friends option at the bottom and that the party is "Joinable". There will be plenty of options, it seems, to play with who you want and to do what you want.

Whoa, wait a sec
Have we had a video of him going through the options on the RIGHT of the menu before?
So far, I've got, in order of appearance (excluding the ones without name):
- Nightwind Mask - Superior Head Armor
- Moon[dunno] [dunno] - Common Arm Armor
- War[bringer]'s Robe - Superior Chest Armor
- Summersong [dunno] - Common [Titan] [Mask]
Nice catch! With all the presentations they were doing I'd bet it happens in another video out there somewhere, but yeah, I hadn't noticed that before.
Second item looks like "Moonglass Gaunlets", maybe.

Whoa, wait a sec
Have we had a video of him going through the options on the RIGHT of the menu before?
So far, I've got, in order of appearance (excluding the ones without name):
- Nightwind Mask - Superior Head Armor
- Moon[dunno] [dunno] - Common Arm Armor
- War[bringer]'s Robe - Superior Chest Armor
- Summersong [dunno] - Common [Titan] [Mask]
Also, Joe mentions Josh (?) will meet them as soon as he gets online. So, at least in Joe's head, it will be possible to purposely find and join friends already playing.
I know those last two are Warsinger's Robe and Summersong Bond (Common Titan Mark). Not sure on that second one, though.

Common TITAN Mark? But wasn't he a Warlock? Intriguing
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Common TITAN Mark? But wasn't he a Warlock? Intriguing
Yeah, there's been no small amount of speculation on that topic.

Destiny Gameplay shakeycam from E3
The 3-hour line for the Destiny theatre at E3 is a real bond-building experience. You get to know people. It's like getting stuck with some random strangers in an elevator that suddenly drops a few feet every twenty minutes.
So you were afraid you'd all die at any moment?
How did you guys get this? I thought E3 was pretty strictly for the press (again).

Destiny Gameplay shakeycam from E3
The 3-hour line for the Destiny theatre at E3 is a real bond-building experience. You get to know people. It's like getting stuck with some random strangers in an elevator that suddenly drops a few feet every twenty minutes.
So you were afraid you'd all die at any moment?How did you guys get this? I thought E3 was pretty strictly for the press (again).
Hmm...just imagine an elevator with something incredibly awesome at the bottom instead of death. Okay, bad comparison. My case was a last minute thing. The DBO crew had an unused badge on the last day and I live in the area.

Destiny Gameplay shakeycam from E3
I don't an elevator dropping a few feet at a time would be anywhere near lethal. Would not like to test my hypothesis out, though.
I think the question is, how does one acquire those badges, being in a technically non-press fan site?

Destiny Gameplay shakeycam from E3
I don't an elevator dropping a few feet at a time would be anywhere near lethal. Would not like to test my hypothesis out, though.
I think the question is, how does one acquire those badges, being in a technically non-press fan site?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like the ID badges actually say "BUNGIE.ORG" on them, so I think they may have been able to get in for being a major community site (Bungie might have also had a hand).

Destiny Gameplay shakeycam from E3
I think the question is, how does one acquire those badges, being in a technically non-press fan site?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like the ID badges actually say "BUNGIE.ORG" on them, so I think they may have been able to get in for being a major community site (Bungie might have also had a hand).
Yep, we get badges through Media Registration:
Online Reporters:
Web sites and podcasters must be previously established and updated regularly with original and current interactive entertainment industry news. To qualify as online media, please provide:
- A copy of your driver's license or government issued photo identification clearly showing your name and date of birth (no one under 17 will be admitted)
- A copy of your business card with name, editorial title and media outlet's logo, and
- URLs to your articles with your name and title appearing in an editorial capacity. Your articles must have been published within the past three months.
Basically, they check website traffic to make sure you get enough hits (and have been around long enough) to qualify. Something like 10,000+ hits per month for at least three months. Then they check to make sure that each person requesting a badge legitimately works for the site. I've got a funny story about my badge that I'll try to share soon.

Destiny Gameplay shakeycam from E3
- A copy of your driver's license or government issued photo identification clearly showing your name and date of birth (no one under 17 will be admitted)
- A copy of your business card with name, editorial title and media outlet's logo, and
- URLs to your articles with your name and title appearing in an editorial capacity. Your articles must have been published within the past three months.
I gather most of you got in because of DBO then, right?

Destiny Gameplay shakeycam from E3
I gather most of you got in because of DBO then, right?
Indeed. I was shocked pleasantly surprised when it worked.
Keep in mind though, E3 badges didn't get us into the Microsoft and Sony press conferences - those required separate invites, which came from knowing the right people. ;)

What if you know the wrong people for the right reasons?
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