Oculus Rift *OT*
We received our Oculus Rift Development Kit today (we're experimenting with its use in architectural visualization). Pretty amazing indeed, though after trying it out for a bit, I had to let my eyes and inner ear adjust to reality...
I'm excited to see what creative people do with this technology - beyond gaming. I'm especially intrigued with what new art forms might come to be from such a medium: new forms of experience and performance art for starters.
Sadly, Rule 34 will no doubt apply...

Oculus Rift *OT*
Sadly, Rule 34 will no doubt apply...
I don't think the Oculus Rift itself can be the subject of Rule 34… Can it???

Oculus Rift *OT*
Sadly, Rule 34 will no doubt apply...
I don't think the Oculus Rift itself can be the subject of Rule 34… Can it???
I don't think that's what he meant, but yes. BTW there's been rule 34 of Destiny for at least about a month.

Oculus Rift *OT*
BTW there's been rule 34 of Destiny for at least about a month.
... ಠ_ಠ

That's part of the rule
According to Urban Dictionary,
If an object can be conjectured, there is porn made of it. If not, then porn will be made of it as soon as someone hears what you are looking for. (see rule 34-B)
If there is none currently, the mere thought of it means it is currently being worked on by a stable of artists.

Welcome to the Internet
Please step over here for your free complementary pills! I feel taller already.
Oculus Rift is awesome and I look forward to the updated version ( with the better screen). That is all.

Oculus Rift *OT*
Give me five minutes and I can make it happen.

Oculus Rift *OT*
I'm so excited about this thing. I want to play!

Oculus Rift *OT*
Give me five minutes and I can make it happen.
I'd at least take it out first and make an evening of it!

A little wining and dining
- No text -

Wham, bam, thank you, Tam
As we say in Glasgow.
Oculus Rift *OT*
Sadly, Rule 34 will no doubt apply...