
Thought process (Destiny)

by Doooskey, Kansas City, MO, Saturday, August 27, 2016, 21:51 (3102 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

What was it when you threw that knife through the window? (great sentence regardless of topic)

...ehhh why not?

You know... It wasn't a very reasonable train of thought. I think one of my problems in Crucible is that my judgement of probability is poor. I think I knew it was a tiny chance to hit, but the awesomeness of that possibility won out. And this video is the 1/100 chance working out. Normally I'd just have wasted my knife and died a few moments later because my trusty throwing knives were on the ground outside.

Part of it was in playful response to the guy jumping in the window - who had an even worse train of thought than me. I was just like - "Let's do this then..."

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