
Destiny Gameplay shakeycam from E3

by ncsuDuncan @, Tuesday, July 09, 2013, 20:01 (4198 days ago) @ Xenos

I think the question is, how does one acquire those badges, being in a technically non-press fan site?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like the ID badges actually say "BUNGIE.ORG" on them, so I think they may have been able to get in for being a major community site (Bungie might have also had a hand).

Yep, we get badges through Media Registration:

Online Reporters:

Web sites and podcasters must be previously established and updated regularly with original and current interactive entertainment industry news. To qualify as online media, please provide:


Basically, they check website traffic to make sure you get enough hits (and have been around long enough) to qualify. Something like 10,000+ hits per month for at least three months. Then they check to make sure that each person requesting a badge legitimately works for the site. I've got a funny story about my badge that I'll try to share soon.

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