
While on the subject of automation and technology... (Gaming)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Tuesday, September 06, 2016, 16:09 (3000 days ago) @ Korny

I think I saw a program that did a limited version of this for streamers. It could use a web cam to map your expression onto a digital model, and had a range of premade models such as elves, pandas and aliens.

Had an odd moment with one of those. When I first saw the game-changing (literally) twist in Warframe's Second Dream quest, I immediately hopped online to watch peoples' reactions. One of the first that I found was a streamer who had a wolf avatar overlayed onto the stream that moved and talked with him. Created a bit of dissonance...

I will say that this is just one more step in our journey to defeating the "uncanny valley", we aren't there yet, but still a huge leap imo.

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