
I Just Discovered Firewatch (Off-Topic)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Wednesday, September 07, 2016, 15:41 (3004 days ago) @ stabbim

Same as the quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) stand. It was in a lush, well watered area (where they should be) and Delilah tells me that they are all interconnected underground as a single organism. That's mostly true, there could still be new individuals that came up from seed, but aspen can spread underground and send up new trunks. Resprouting from roots is also a reason that aspen can bounce back quickly after a fire (though they don't mention that in game).

A few months ago, I found out about Pando and it absolutely blew my mind.

Man, the outdoors where I live are "freakin' awesome". :-)

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