
Woah. This Is SERIOUS. (PSA) (Destiny)
This was probably updated sometime ago, and I just didn't think about it until now, but this deserves a fair warning.
I was loading up Destiny, and when the character screen showed up, my controller was on the table about a foot or so away. When I reached for it, my finger pushed the X button for a second or so. Luckily, the cursor was nowhere near my characters, but it got me thinking. I selected one and pressed X, and the bar filled up MUCH faster than it used to. I obviously didn't let it fill up the whole way--I'm not that gullible.
But I will say this about your gaming habits: You need to be even more careful out there. I used a stopwatch(this is freaking disturbing)--unless there's another prompt--which I hope to god there is--you can seriously delete a character from Destiny faster than you can delete an Exotic.
I swear to God.
Stay safe out there, guys.