
The way people talk about Halo 1-3's story... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Destiny)

by Durandal, Monday, September 19, 2016, 21:46 (3079 days ago) @ uberfoop

Halo's story flowed pretty well. I preferred it to Gears of War, which tried to ape the emotional appeal but came off like a WWE version. Halo 4 pretty much abandoned the hard military SF for generic space shooter 20XX plot lines with grossly incompetent leaders, vaguely ineffective conspiracies and a villain who's plan and motivation are diametrically opposed to logic and reason.

Destiny's story is closest to their old Marathon Series, where there was no interaction and the only story evidence was random terminals. If the Grimore was in game, that would exactly describe Destiny.

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